This project runs a smart contract made in Solidity which allows users to:
- claim Domain Names
- Set a Domain Name's corresponding IP address
- Read a Domain Name's corresponding IP address
- Retrieve a list of user's owned Domain Names
- Transfer ownership of Domain Names to other users for free
- Offer ownership of Domain Names for specified price
- Publicly (transfer ownership to any address in exchange for funds)
- Privately (transfer ownership to specific address in exchange for funds)
- Accept offers of Domain Names (Payable)
- Public
- Private
A web page front end allows users to interact with the smart contract (Currently a work in progress)
npm install -g truffle
Using npm:
npm install -g ganache-cli
or, if you are using Yarn:
yarn global add ganache-cli
This will start a private development blockchain on your machine. It is set up to be connected to through
Open a new command line in this project's file directory and run
truffle compile
truffle migrate
This will have compiled and moved our smart contracts to our local development blockchain.
Save the address of your deployed DNS contract as you will need it later.
To start the front end application, go to the app/ folder
cd app/
install all project dependancies. (only needs to be done once)
npm i
Give index.html (located in app/) our deployed contract's address by opening it and replacing the address on line 51 with the address of our newly deployed DNS contract given to us earlier by ganache-cli
Now manually open index.html and the project's front end application will load into your default browser
For assistance with program evaluation, please read the notice below.
- Front end application for this project does not yet allow users to use all available smart contract functions.
- Problem: front end successfuly calls contract funtions but claimNewName() currently fails due to web3's default gasLimit.
- Workaround: it is possible to deploy the contract's to the local ganache blockchain through remix, and call claimNewNames() using Remix. This will put claimedNames in the contract. One can then call the other functions of this project's front end (index.html) (remember to link contract address) to verify that they successfuly interact with the contract.
- Here is a video going through the instructions above.
- Any Contract functions not yet exposed by this project's front end can be readily tested using the environment found at