A backend server where the local database in JSON Format is converted to a blochain structure
- A COVID tracking website displaying the total number of active cases, recovered patients and all total deaths due to COVID
- A worldwide map highlighting the country stats and encircling the positions according to the country covid stats
- The total no. of active COVID cases is being displayed in a table.
- The total no. of new cases since the past year on every month has been plotted on a graph.
- This website will provide current worldwide COVID stats in a user friendly way.
- orbitdb1 - 0.8.7
Implemented Database management System in Blockchain:
- Adding data to the blockchain
- Reading data in the blockchain
- Updating data in the blockchain
- Deleting data in the blockchain
Download the code, type the following code in your commandshell:
npm install
then run node 'filename' in the terminal depending upon the functionality and the folder
- Used OrbitDB - orbitDB
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details.