A menu system for converting a standard menu into a mobile/tablet responsive menu, media query independent.
Please note: This is not a menu system replacement. It is simply a lightweight piece of jQuery to convert a standard navigation into a mobile/tablet navigation.
If you are looking for drop down functionality on the desktop, MeanMenu doesn't do it. Use Superfish as well as MeanMenu. You can see Superfish + MeanMenu on all of our themes, for example Literary.
And yes, it works with jQuery 2.0 - obviously IE 7 & 8 will not work.
Live Demo: http://www.meanthemes.com/demo/meanmenu/demo.html
Just include the jQuery library (http://jquery.com)
Then this file (jquery.meanmenu.js)
in your HTML e.g.
<script src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.js"></script>
<script src="assets/js/plugins/jquery.meanmenu.js"></script>
Then add the CSS for this after all of your other CSS in the <head> section.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="meanmenu.css" media="all" />
Then in your usual document.ready, this is working under the assumption your navigation is in
structure...jQuery(document).ready(function () {
jQuery('header nav').meanmenu();
There are the following options (Options are shown with their defaults)...
meanMenuClose: "X"
- Single character you want to represent the close menu button
meanMenuCloseSize: "18px"
- Set font size of close button
meanMenuOpen: ""
- Text/markup you want when menu is closed, styling in CSS provides 3 bars with these spans
meanRevealPosition: "right"
- Left right or center positions
meanRevealPositionDistance: "0"
- Tweak the position of the menu
meanRevealColour: ""
- Override CSS colours for the reveal background
meanRevealHoverColour: ""
- Override CSS colours for the reveal hover
meanScreenWidth: "480"
- Set the screen width you want meanmenu to kick in at
meanNavPush: ""
- Set a height here in px, em or % if you want to budge your layout now the navigation is missing.
meanShowChildren: true
- true to show children in the menu, false to hide them
meanExpandableChildren: true
- true to allow expand/collapse children
meanExpand: "+"
- single character you want to represent the expand for ULs
meanContract: "-"
- single character you want to represent the contract for ULs
meanRemoveAttrs: false
- true to remove classes and IDs, false to keep them