This is a demo application which playbacks included .csv file indefinitely, and sends it as mqtt message to mqtt broker. Included csv contains raw data dump with mapped signals and units of Toyota RAV4 Hybrid car.
Do note that for the first 5 minutes there is not much happening. This is because the driver of the car was doing something else than driving. Log file takes 13 minutes to playback.
git clone
Python 3.9
If you want to test application locally, it is recommended to setup Python virtualenv first.
python3 -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/Activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Set env variables
export MQTT_URL=localhost MQTT_PORT=8883 CLIENT_ID=foo
This application requires an MQTT broker which is set up in a CSC Rahti cloud with correct certificates.
Application uses included ca.crt for establishing encrypted connection but doesn't check for server hostname.
Application takes three env variables
Takes Mqtt broker urlMQTT_PORT
Mqtt broker portCLIENT_ID
Client id
Topic format is {CLIENT_ID}/toyota/SIGNAL_NAME
Eg. topic: student069/toyota/SPEED
value 34
Thanks for mitchdetailed for providing tool to convert SocketCAN log with DBC file to csv file.
You can find original log files from /assets folder in this repo