Common utils that are needed for different AUVs
The bringup scripts are used to start tmux sessions with ROS nodes and launch files.
To install tmux, type sudo apt-get install tmux
Running a bringup script will start a new tmux session
from which you can start all the nodes necessary for that particular session, including a roscore
Everything in a tmux session is organized as tabs.
After starting, ctrl+b
takes you to the next tab, while ctrl+b
you to the previous. ctrl+b
allows you to disconnect and tmux at
attaches again.
Step through all the tabs and start the nodes using ENTER
. After you get to the last
node, or back to the first one, everything is launched.
For more information on tmux, see .
As an alternative to tmux, the launch files under this folder can be used to launch an AUV, a Gazebo world and the control and navigation components required.
This is the only launch file that has to be modified in order to boot up a SMARC simulation.
To use this node, you need to install the pygame
Install it with sudo apt-get install python-pygame
Run the node with rosrun smarc_keyboard_teleop
In the resulting window, you can press UP
to steer,
to start the thruster, and s
to stop it.
This node broadcasts the tf world --> odom (see REP105 ROS), with the odom frame being instantiated in the pose where the AUV is initialized.
An example of the current, simplified tf tree can be seen below
It also publishes the ground truth pose of the AUV provided by Gazebo and referred to the odom reference frame.
If there isn't an odometry provider, it will broadcast the odom --> base_link transform based on the pose in Gazebo (set in the smarc_bringup launch files).