Nodejs Library for BleuIO . Supports v2.1.1 Firmware
Install the library by running
npm i bleuio-nodejs-library
In the js file, import
import { bleuIO } from "bleuio-nodejs-library/bleuIO-nodejs-library/index.js";
You are set to go.
connect to bleuio dongle using following command.
portUtils = bleuIO("/dev/cu.usbmodem4048FDE6EBCB1");
here /dev/cu.usbmodem4048FDE6EBCB1 is the path of the BleuIO dongle that is connected to the computer. to get the path simply run the following command on your terminal.
ls /dev/cu.*
The following command ATI will request for device information of the dongle.
readData method returns a promise and it will read incoming data from the dongle.
portUtils.readData().then((data) => {
console.log("Data read from serial port:", data);
Waiting time can also be added if required.
portUtils.readData().then((data) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Data read from serial port:", data);
}, 3000);
In this example we first set the dongle into central role. Then we will scan for 3 seconds. After 3 seconds waiting time , we read the data.
portUtils.writeData("AT+CENTRAL").then(() => {
portUtils.writeData("AT+GAPSCAN=3").then(() => {
portUtils.readData().then((data) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Data read from serial port:", data);
}, 3000);
Full code to connect to the dongle, set the dongle to central role, scan for nearby devices and finally show the list of devices.
import { bleuIO } from "bleuio-nodejs-library/bleuIO-nodejs-library/index.js";
const portUtils = bleuIO("/dev/cu.usbmodem4048FDE6EBCB1");
portUtils.writeData("AT+CENTRAL").then(() => {
portUtils.writeData("AT+GAPSCAN=2").then(() => {
portUtils.readData().then((data) => {
setTimeout(() => {
console.log("Data read from serial port:", data);
}, 3000);
Available AT commands can be found at
Enjoy !