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Javascript Library for BleuIO . Supports v2.7.7 Firmware


  • Chrome 78 or later and you need to enable the #enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag in chrome://flags
  • BleuIO

To enable the flag Open chrome://flags/#enable-experimental-web-platform-features in Google Chrome browser.


Install the library by running

npm i bleuio

In the js file, import

import * as my_dongle from 'bleuio'

You are set to go.

Basic Usage

call my_dongle.at_connect() to connect to the dongle. Note : you have to wait for the dongle to load.

console.log(my_dongle.ati()) will return a promise with device information. my_dongle.at_central() will set te device into central mode.

###Example index.html

<button id="connect">Connect</button>
<button id="deviceinfo">Device Info</button>
<button id="central">Central Mode</button>
<button id="peripheral">Peripheral Mode</button>
<script type="module" src="./index.js"></script>


import * as my_dongle from 'bleuio'
document.getElementById('connect').addEventListener('click', function(){
document.getElementById('deviceinfo').addEventListener('click', function(){

To run the script you need a web application bundler. You can use parceljs. Follow this video for better understanding

Available functions

Nmae Details
at_connect() Connects to dongle
at_disconnect() Disconnects the dongle.
ata() Shows/hides ASCII values from notification/indication/read responses.ata(0)hides the ASCII values, ata(1) shows the ASCII values
atasps() Toggle between ascii and hex responses received from SPS. atasps(0) shows hex values, atasps(1) shows ASCII. ASCII is on by default.
ati() Device information query. Returns firmware version, hardware type and unique organization identifier. ex: my_dongle.ati()
atds() Turns auto discovery of services when connecting on/off. atds(0) off, atds(1) on. On by default. This command can be used in both central and peripheral role.
ate() Turn echo on/off. 0/1 (On per default). ex my_dongle.ate(0)
atr() Trigger platform reset
at_assm() Turns on/off showing Manufacturing Specific ID (Company ID), if present, in scan results from AT+GAPSCAN, AT+FINDSCANDATA and AT+SCANTARGET scans. (Off per default).1 for on , 0 for off. Example at_assm(1)
at_assn() Turns on/off showing device names, if present, in scan results from AT+FINDSCANDATA and AT+SCANTARGET scans. (Off per default).1 for on , 0 for off. Example at_assn(1)
at_autoexec() Sets or displays up to 10 commands that will be run upon the BleuIO starting up.example at_autoexec('AT+ADVSTART') . Parameter if left empty it will show a list of auto execution query set previously.
at_central() Sets the device Bluetooth role to central role. ex: my_dongle.at_central()
at_clrautoexec() Clear any commands in the auto execute (AUTOEXEC) list.
at_customservice() Sets or queries Custom Service. Max 5 Characteristics can be added. Pass value in this format at_customservice('0=UUID=ee6ec068-7447-4045-9fd0-593f3ba3c2ee'). Follow BleuIO documentaion for AT+CUSTOMSERVICE. Several values cannot be changed while connected/connecting or advertising.
at_customservicestart() Starts the Custom Service based on the settings set by AT+CUSTOMSERVICE= Command.Cannot be started while connected/connecting or advertising.
at_customservicestop() Stops the Custom Service. Cannot be changed while connected/connecting or advertising.
at_customservicereset() Stops the Custom Service and resets the Custom Service settings set by the AT+CUSTOMSERVICE= command to it's default values. Cannot be changed while connected/connecting or advertising.
at_peripheral() Sets the device Bluetooth role to peripheral. ex: my_dongle.at_peripheral()
at_advstart() Starts advertising. ex: my_dongle.at_advstart()
at_advstop() Stops advertising. Returns ERROR if not already advertising. ex: my_dongle.at_advstop()
at_advdata() Sets or queries the advertising data. Data must be provided as hex string.
at_advdatai() Sets advertising data in a way that let's it be used as an iBeacon.ex: my_dongle.at_advdatai('ebbaaf47-0e4f-4c65-8b08-dd07c98c41ca0000000000')
at_advresp() Sets or queries scan response data. Data must be provided as hex string. Changes to take effect after restart of advertising. ex: my_dongle.at_advresp('04:09:43:41:54')
at_cancelconnect() While in Central Mode, cancels any ongoing connection attempts. ex: my_dongle.at_cancelconnect()
at_clearindi() Disables indication for selected characteristic. Example at_clearindi('0001')
at_connparam() Sets or displays preferred connection parameters. When run while connected will update connection parameters on the current target connection. Provide connection parameters for example at_connparam('intv_min=intv_max=slave_latency=supervision_timeout'). Follow BleuIO documentation about AT+CONNPARAM
at_connscanparam() Set or queries the connection scan window and interval used.example at_connscanparam('scan intv ms=scan win ms'),at_connscanparam('200=100').Follow BleuIO documentation about AT+CONNSCANPARAM
at_connectbond() Scan for and initiates a connection with a selected bonded device. Works even if the peer bonded device is advertising with a Private Random Resolvable Address. example at_connectbond('40:48:FD:EA:E8:38')
at_clearnoti() Disables notification for selected characteristic. ex: my_dongle.at_clearnoti('0001')
at_clruoi() Clear any set Unique Organization ID.
at_devicename() Get or sets the device name used for GAP service. Cannot be set while connected or advertising.if left empty it will query what device name is is set
at_dis() Shows the Device Information Service information to be used. Example at_dis()
at_enterpasskey() Enter the 6-digit passkey to continue the pairing and bodning request. ex: my_dongle.at_enterpasskey('123456')
at_findscandata() Scans for all advertising/response data which contains the search params with number of responses. ex. at_findscandata('FF5',10)
at_frssi() Sets RSSI filter for scan results, afterwards scans will only show results with the chosen max value or below. Acceptable parameter range: -1 to -99
at_gapaddrtype() Sets or queries what address type the dongle will use. Changing address type cannot be done while advertising or while connected to other devices. example at_gapaddrtype(1) or at_gapaddrtype(2) or at_gapaddrtype(3) or at_gapaddrtype(4) or at_gapaddrtype(5) 1 Public Static Address, 2 Private Static Address, 3 Private Random Resolvable Address, 4 Private Random Non-resolvable Address, 5 Private Random Resolvable address using Bluetooth LE Privacy v1.2
at_gapscan() Starts a Bluetooth device scan with timer set in seconds. Only accepted when device is in central role and not connected. ex: my_dongle.at_gapscan(5)
at_gapconnect() Initiates a connection with a specific slave device. Upon succesfully connecting atempts to display device name, advertising and response data and the services of the peripheral. The local device must be in central role. ex: my_dongle.at_gapconnect('[1]F3:D1:ED:AD:8A:10')
at_gapdisconnect() Disconnects from a peer Bluetooth device. This command can be used in both central and peripheral role.
at_gapdisconnectall() Disconnects from all connected peer Bluetooth devices. This command can be used in both central and peripheral role.
at_gapiocap() Sets or queries what input and output capabilities the device has. pass number between 0 to 4. 0 - Display only, 1 - Display + yes & no, 2 - Keyboard only, 3- No input no output, 4 - Keyboard + display
at_gappair() Starts a pairing or bonding procedure. Depending on whether the device is master or slave on the connection, it will send a pairing or a security request respectively. Only usable when connected to a device.
at_gapunpair() Unpair paired devices. This will also remove the device bond data from BLE storage. Usable both when device is connected and when not. Leave blank to unpair all paired devices or selected paired device (device_mac_address). Public= [0] or private= [1] address type prefix required before mac address. ex: [x]xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx
at_gapstatus() Reports the Bluetooth role
at_gattcread() Read attribute of remote GATT server. Can only be used in Central role and when connected to a peripheral. ex at_gattcread('001B')
at_gattcwrite() Write attribute to remote GATT server in ASCII. Can only be used in Central role and when connected to a peripheral. ex at_gattcwrite('001B','HELLO')
at_gattcwriteb() Write attribute to remote GATT server in Hex. Can only be used in Central role and when connected to a peripheral.ex at_gattcwriteb('001B','0101')
at_gattcwritewr() Write (without response) attribute to remote GATT server in ASCII. Can only be used in Central role and when connected to a peripheral.
at_gattcwritewrb() Write (without response) attribute to remote GATT server in Hex. Can only be used in Central role and when connected to a peripheral.
at_getservices() Rediscovers a peripheral's services and characteristics.
at_getservicesonly() Discovers a peripherals services.
at_getservicesdetails() Discovers all characteristics and descriptors of a selected service. Must run at_getservicesonly() command first to get the service handle. Example at_getservicesdetails('0001')
at_indi() Shows list of set indication handles. Example at_indi()
at_mtu() Sets the max allowed MTU size. Cannot be changed while connected/connecting or advertising. Minimum allowed value: 67, Maximum allowed value: 512
at_numcompa() Used for accepting a numeric comparison authentication request or enabling/disabling auto-accepting numeric comparisons. 0 or 1. 0 for disabled 1 for enable. Enabled by default.
at_noti() Shows list of set notification handles. Example at_noti()
at_spssend() Send a message or data via the SPS profile. Without parameters it opens a stream for continiously sending data. ex: my_dongle.at_spssend('Hello')
at_sat() Turns on/off showing address types in scan results from AT+FINDSCANDATA and AT+SCANTARGET scans. (Off per default).1 for on , 0 for off. Example at_sat(1)
at_scantarget() Scan a target device. Displaying it's advertising data as it updates. You need to add target device information and number of response . ex : my_dongle.at_scantarget('[1]FE:D4:2E:CD:72:78',15)
at_scanparam() Set or queries the scan parameters used.Example at_scanparam('scan mode=scan type=scan intv ms=scan win ms=filt dupl'),at_scanparam('2=0=200=100=0').Follow BleuIO documentation about AT+SCANPARAM
at_seclvl() Sets or queries what minimum security level will be used when connected to other devices.leave blank for quering security level or set security level from 1 to 3. 1- No authentication and no encryption, 2-Unauthenticated pairing with encryption, 3 -Authenticated pairing with encryption, 4- Authenticated LE Secure Connections pairing with encryption.
at_setdis() Sets the Device Information Service information. example at_setdis(MAN_NAME,MOD_NUM,HW_REV,FW_REV,SW_REV)
at_setindi() Enable indication for selected characteristic. Example at_setindi('0001')
at_setnoti() Enable notification for selected characteristic.
at_setpasskey() Setting or quering set passkey for passkey authentication. leave blank for quering passkey or set six digit passkey.
at_setuoi() Set Unique Organization ID. It will be stored in flash memory, and will persist through power cycles. If set, the Unique Organization ID string will be displayed in the ATI command's response. Will clear any previous set Unique Organization ID when set. Max length: 100 characters. Unique Organization ID string. example at_setuoi('Your Unique Organization ID')
at_siv() Turns showing verbose scan result index on/off.1 for on , 0 for off. Example at_siv(1)
at_sra() Turns showing verbose scan result index on/off.1 for on , 0 for off. Example at_sra(1)
at_suotastart() Enables the SUOTA Service and start the SUOTA Advertising. Cannot be started while connected/connecting or advertising.
at_suotastop() Disables the SUOTA Service and stops the SUOTA Advertising. Cannot be used while connected/connecting.
help() prints AT command list of the dongle
stop() Stops current process

Enjoy !




BleuIO Javascript Library






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