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Michal Töpfer edited this page Mar 1, 2021 · 1 revision

StaticGauge component

Displays one value, possibly with an indication to which interval the value belongs (whether it's low or high).



  • config: Config – chart configuration object describing the value and ranges
    • Config:
      • value: number – the displayed value
      • min: number – minimum of the gauge's range
      • max: number – maximum of the gauge's range
      • arcs: Arc[] – array of interval definitions
    • Arc:
      • color: color – color of the interval
      • from: number – beginning of the interval
      • to: number – end of the interval
  • height: number – the height of the chart in pixels
  • margin: Margin
  • backgroundColor: color – color of the background of the bar. Defaults to "#d6d6d6".
  • barColor: color – color of the bar representing the value. If not set, the color of the current interval (arc) is used.
  • getBarColor: function – function to convert the barColor or arc's color property to the final color of bar. Defaults to identity.
  • withAxis: booleanto be implemented
  • leftAngle: number – angle in degrees defining the left border of the gauge. The angle is measured clockwise from the up direction, meaning that one usually wants negative values for the leftAngle. Defaults to -120.
  • rightAngle: number – angle in degrees defining the right border of the gauge. The angle is measured clockwise from the up direction, meaning that one usually wants positive values for the rightAngle. Defaults to 120.
  • innerRadius: number – the radius of the inner side of the bar. Defaults to 80.
  • barWidth: number – the width of the bar in pixels. Defaults to 40.
  • arcWidth: number – the width of the bar representing the arcs (intervals). Defaults to 5.
  • arcPadding: number – padding between the bar and the arcs. Defaults to 0.
  • withValue: boolean – displays the value as number in the center of the gauge. Defaults to true.
  • valueRender: func – function to render the value in the center of the gauge. The returned value is rendered in a <g> tag with top left position equal to the center of the gauge. By default, it returns a <text> element with textAnchor="middle" dominantBaseline="middle" className={props.valueClass} to display the text in the center of the gauge. This function receives props as its only argument.
  • valueClass: string – CSS class to be used in the default valueRender function
  • needleWidth: number – Unless this value is specified, the bar starts at leftAngle. If this value is specified, the angular width of the bar is set to needleWidth.
  • clampValue: boolean – If se to true, values smaller than min are rendered as equal to min and values larger than max are rendered as max. Defaults to true.

The outer radius of the bar is equal to innerRadius + barWidth + arcWidth + some padding.

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