Biometric KYC
Document Verification
Debounce Selfie Capture directive changes to allow user time to read the directions
Set Release property on Sentry for release tracking
Products Config API call
Services API call
Fix crash on network retries
Don't report IDE Jetpack Compose Preview crashes to Sentry
Breaking: Renamed SmartSelfie Registration to SmartSelfie Enrollment
Breaking: Removed "Screen" suffix from SmartSelfie Composables
Tweak selfie progress indicator animation
Minor update to default colors to add contrast
Submit color liveness images instead of grayscale
Update SmartSelfie™ directives copy to be more succinct
Changed the order of arguments in Composables to ensure required arguments come first and so that
Modifier is the first optional argument
Compile against API level 34
Bump Gradle to 8.0.2
Bump Kotlin to 1.8.22
Bump AndroidX Activity to 1.7.2
Bump AndroidX Fragment to 1.6.0
Bump Compose BOM to 2023.06.01
Bump Camposer to 0.2.2
Bump Sentry to 6.24
You can’t perform that action at this time.