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Scott Miner

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Typing SVG (Reload if Broken Link) Snake Game

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  1. IMDbSentimentClassifier IMDbSentimentClassifier Public

    A sentiment analysis model trained on the IMDb Movie Reviews Dataset to classify reviews as positive or negative. This project uses a Bidirectional LSTM with GloVe embeddings, batch normalization, …

    Python 1

  2. TextAugmentor TextAugmentor Public

    This repo offers a Python script using NLPAug library & RTT to augment text datasets. It processes TXT files in "data/" folder, translating text and creating augmented versions. Augmented data enha…

    Python 2

  3. FollowEqualizer FollowEqualizer Public

    A Python-based tool built with PyQt to manage your GitHub followers and starred repositories, offering automated exception management, multi-threading, and real-time cache handling for faster opera…

    Python 2

  4. EightPuzzleSolver EightPuzzleSolver Public

    A* search algorithm implementation for solving 8-puzzle problem. Includes code modularization, performance optimization and solvability checking features.

    Python 2

  5. IrisKNNClassifier IrisKNNClassifier Public

    Iris flower classification using k-Nearest Neighbors (k-NN) algorithm in Python. Simple, effective ML model for species prediction.

    Python 1

  6. SortVisualizer SortVisualizer Public

    The Sort Visualizer is an interactive tool that demonstrates various sorting algorithms in real-time. It supports Bubble Sort, Quick Sort, and more, making algorithm learning visual and intuitive.

    Python 1