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Generic Squirrel

Squirrel code used in multiple projects. The .nut files kept here can be cut and pasted into project source code or integrated via Squinter.

Note Updates are made regularly to the develop branch, which is merged into master on a (roughly) monthly basis.

File List


Version 2.2.3

Incorporates code which logs impOS and network information. It is intended to be included early in the runtime (hence the name). Includes functions and code to trigger those functions. Compatible with seriallog.nut.

Public Methods

  • message() — Display the boot info to the log
  • version() — Return the current impOS™ version, eg. "38.5"

Release Notes

  • 2.2.3
    • Add imp type
  • 2.2.2
    • Add device group information
  • 2.2.1
    • Remove imp type (imp003) from reset button wake reason
  • 2.2.0
    • Add cellular imp support
  • 2.1.0
    • Add version() function to return impOS version number as string
    • Remove wakereason() as a public method
  • 2.0.0
    • Change table name to bootinfo (lowercase)
    • Change function names to message() and wakereason()
    • Add version number
  • 1.1.1
    • Bug fixes
  • 1.1.0
    • Support seriallog.nut

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Version 2.1.1

Provides disconnectionManager, a gloabl object which operates as a handler for imp connection states. Call disconnectionManager.start() to begin monitoring and to allow the imp automatically to attempt to reconnect when it disconnects unexpectedly. disconnectionManager.connect() and disconnectionManager.disconnect() can then be used to, respectively, connect to and disconnect from the server, and should be used in place of the imp API methods server.connect() and server.disconnect().

The properties disconnectionManager.reconnectTimeout and disconnectionManager.reconnectDelay can be used to set, respectively, the period after which a disconnected imp will attempt to reconnect, and the timeout period it allows for the reconnection attempt. These values default to, respectively, 60 and 30 seconds.

The property disconnectionManager.eventCallback can be set to a function with a single parameter, event. This function will then be called whenever a connection is made, the imp disconnects, or the imp attempts to connect. The value of event is a table:

Key Description
type The imp’s state, one of:
message A human-readable status message

Public Properties

  • reconnectTimeout — Connection attempt timeout. Integer. Default: 30
  • reconnectDelay — Delay between connection attempts. Integer. Default: 60
  • isConnected — Whether the device is currently connected or not. Boolean
  • eventCallback — A function to be called when the device's state changes. Should take the form 'function(event)', where 'event' is a table with the key 'message', whose value is a human-readable string, and 'type' is a machine readable string, eg. 'connected'. Default: null

Public Methods

  • start() — Begin monitoring device connection. Parameters:
    • timeout — See imp API's server.setsendtimeoutpolicy(). Integer. Default: 10
    • sendPolicy — See imp API's server.setsendtimeoutpolicy(). Integer. Default: WAIT_TIL_SENT
  • stop() — Stop monitoring device connection
  • connect() — Manually attempt to connect to the server
  • disconnect() — Manually disconnect from the server
  • setCallback() — Set the event callback (see above). Parameters:
    • callback — A function to be called when the device's state changes. Should take the form 'function(event)', where 'event' is a table with the key 'message', whose value is a human-readable string, and 'type' is a machine readable string, eg. 'connected'. Default: null

Release Notes

  • 2.1.1
    • Check the argument of start()'s sendPolicy parameter is a valid value
    • Make sure we call server.disconnect() when the imp is idle
  • 2.1.0
    • Add a timestamp (Squirrel time()) to all messages
    • Change mis-connection reason codes
  • 2.0.1
    • Add reason code to back-online messaging
  • 2.0.0
    • Add sendPolicy parameter to start() (default: WAIT_TIL_SENT)
    • Set state when start() called
    • Deal with impOS <= 38 issue with ounexpecteddisconnect() being called twice when IP address lost (ie. WiFi up but router link lost)
    • Add support for utilities (see above) to set time string correctly
  • 1.0.2
    • Add 'timeout' parameter to start() (default: 10s)
    • Add version number to file
  • 1.0.1
    • Change order of re-connect message: off-time then on-time
  • 1.0.0
    • Initial release

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Version 2.2.0

Incorporates code which sends log and error messages to UART as well as to server.log() and server.error(). To use this code as-is, replace all your server.log() and server.error() calls with seriallog.log() and seriallog.error(). The code creates the object seriallog as a global variable. you can therefore check for the presence of the object using if ("seriallog" in getroottable()) { ... }.

The code does not now call configure() immediately, to allow you to so do first. If you do not, configure() will be called the first time you attempt to send a log message.

The default UART depends on the the type of imp on which the code is running:

imp Default UART
imp001 hardware.uart12
imp002 hardware.uart12
imp003 hardware.uartDM
imp004m hardware.uartHJ
imp005 hardware.uart0
imp006 hardware.uartABCD
impC001 hardware.uartNU

Logging to UART can be controlled by calling seriallog.enable() or seriallog.disable(), or setting the seriallog.enabled property directly. This does not affect logging via the server, which will always be used, provided there is a connection to the server.

Public Properties

  • enabled — Whether the serial output is enabled. Boolean

Public Methods

  • configure() — Set up the serial link. Should always be called by host app. Parameters:
    • uart — See imp API's server.setsendtimeoutpolicy(). Integer. Default: depends on device imp type
    • baudrate — The UART speed. Integer. Default: 115200
    • txsize — The size of the UART TX buffer. Integer. Default: 160 characters
    • enable — Whether to enable serial logging. Boolean. Default: true
  • enable() — Enable serial logging
  • disable() — Disable serial logging
  • log() — Log a non-error message to serial (if enabled) and the server
  • error() — Log an error message to serial (if enabled) and the server

Release Notes

  • 2.1.0
    • Add impC001 support
    • Log width fix; increase default frame size
    • Log actual bus speed
  • 2.0.3
    • Rename a private function for cross-library consistency
  • 2.0.2
    • Fix line-splitting bug
    • Reformat output: bracket timestamp
  • 2.0.1
    • Add support for utilities (see below) to set time string correctly
    • Add TX buffer size setting to configure()
    • Output large log messages as multiple lines
  • 2.0.0
    • Convert from class to table as per other files
    • Table is named to seriallog (lowercase)
    • Add configure() function — if not called, serial logging is disabled
    • Auto-select UART configure(), if necessary

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Version 3.1.1

A table of utility routines, accessed through the global object utilities. Please see the source code for further information, including a list of available methods.

Public Methods

  • Conversion Functions
    • hexStringToInteger()
    • hexStringToBlob()
    • integerToHexString()
    • blobToHexString()
    • binaryToInteger()
    • jsonencode()
    • printblob()
  • Random Number and Numerical Functions
    • frnd()
    • rnd()
    • sign()
    • numberFormatter()
  • Calendar Functions
    • dayOfWeek()
    • isLeapYear()
    • isBST()
    • isDST()
    • uuid()
  • I2C Functions
    • debugI2C()
  • BASIC-style String Functions
    • mid()
    • left()
    • right()
    • chr()
    • asc()

Release Notes

  • 3.1.1
    • Fix an issue with bstCheck()/isBST() causing incorrect BST/DST reporting.
  • 3.1.0
    • Add printblob() function
  • 3.0.0
    • numberFormatter() now throws on invalid input breaking change
    • debugI2C() now throws on error breaking change
    • Improve jsonencode():
      • Valid JSON output for non-serializable entities: function, instance, class, blobs
      • Add unsafe option (Boolean value, default true) to catch unsafe strings
    • Fix dayOfWeek()
  • 2.3.0
    • Add binaryToInteger() function
    • Add extra input checks to some functions
  • 2.2.0
    • Add jsonencode() function for devices
  • 2.1.2
    • String handler bug fixes and code tweaks
  • 2.1.1
    • Correct RFC 4412 4.4 behaviour for uuid()
  • 2.1.0
    • Add mid, left, right, asc, chr functions for BASIC-style string manipulation
  • 2.0.2
    • Add isDST() and isBST() convenience methods
    • All bstCheck() and dstCheck() to take optional date values for checks (Default: current time and date)
  • 2.0.1
    • Fix table naming bug
    • Reformat table to match JSON format
    • Add version number
  • 2.0.0
    • Change table name to utilities (lowercase)

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Version 1.0.1

A very basic class for posting messages to Slack via the Incoming Webhook mechanism. Requires a Slack account able to create Incoming Webhooks. The constructor takes the new Incoming Webhook path, as provided by Slack, as a string.


local slack = SimpleSlack("T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");

Public Methods

  • post() — Takes the message string to be posted

Release Notes

  • 1.0.1
    • Correct name of class in error messages
  • 1.0.0
    • Initial release

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Version 1.1.1

A generic error reporter, implemented as a Squirrel table called crashReporter. Call the crashReporter.init() function and pass in a reference to a messenger function such as the SimpleSlack class’ post() method, described above. You can provide any messenger function you like, but it must take a single message string.

From 1.1.1, a second parameter takes a boolean: should the agent report device connection and disconnection events? This is false by default; if you wish to enable/disable later, call crashReporter.enableStateReports(<true_or_false>).

Note Device connection state reporting sets handlers using the imp API’s device.onconnected() and device.ondisconnected(). Please bear in mind that these calls may override or be overridden by your application code.


local slack = SimpleSlack("T00000000/B00000000/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX");

Public Methods

  • init() — Takes the messenger object
  • report() — Used internally to relay the error report via the messenger
  • timestamp() — Returns the current date as a formatted string
  • enableStateReports() — Activate or deactivate device connection state reporting

Release Notes

  • 1.1.1
    • Minor improvements
  • 1.1.0
    • Add optional device connection state reporting
  • 1.0.1
    • Minor code changes
  • 1.0.0
    • Initial release

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Cross-project generic Squirrel code





