An Elixir implementation of the "Get a Job" service from Designing Hypermedia APIs by Steve Klabnik.
The application uses the Phoenix Framework to implement the API.
This is a work in progress and not complete.
- postgresql: server and client
- Erlang/OTP 17
- Elixir 1.0.4
I've built a vagrant environment that has everything you need:
$ vagrant up
$ vagrant ssh
The source code is available in the VM at /vagrant
To run the application in development mode.
Install dependencies:
$ ./scripts/
Or, equivalently:
$ mix local.hex --force $ mix local.rebar --force $ mix deps.get $ npm install
Create the databases:
$ ./scripts/
Or, equivalently:
$ mix ecto.create $ mix ecto.migrate
Start Phoenix endpoint:
$ mix phoenix.server
Now you can visit http://localhost:4000
from your browser. The port
is also forwarded to the vagrant VM.
$ curl -L --include \
--data 'job[status]=in_progress' \
--data 'job[number_one]=5' \
--data 'job[number_two]=2' \
$ curl --include
$ curl