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How to install the python natural L4 server?

PLEASE SEE THE README AT ./natural4-server.

How to Use the Legal Spreadsheet?

About the Legal Spreadsheet

The Legal Spreadsheet helps users to automate their legal writing.

Developer Setup

  • Install clasp
  • Run clasp login. Please use account you are going to use for spreadsheet development
  • Enable App Script API
  • Run clasp create. This will create a .clasp.json file locally.
  • Finally run clasp push. This will compile and push the code to your google account.
  • Open spreadsheet in your google account. It has name of the code checkout folder.


Single Cell Keywords

The typed keywords here are outlined in blue in the automatically generated layouts.

Type the Keyword Google Sheet Will Output This Layout
AND type AND in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
OR type OR in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
EVERY type EVERY in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
IF type IF in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
WHEN type WHEN in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
MEANS1 type MEANS in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
IS1 type IS in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
IT IS1 type IT IS in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
HENCE type HENCE in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
LEST type LEST in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet
UNLESS type UNLESS in a cell in the Legal Spreadsheet

1: MEANS, IS and IT IS starts a constitutive rule.

Keyword Cell Sequences

These are the ways the keyword sequences can be typed out. Each keyword must be typed in each cell from top to bottom as shown below. There should only be one keyword per row of cells. Each output layout will then appear as shown when each keyword is typed. There is a waiting time of 3-5 seconds for each keyword's output to show completely.

Type these keywords Keyword Sequence Logic Layouts of these keywords2
IF, OR, OR IF C4 OR C5 OR C6 type IF, OR, OR in the Legal Spreadsheet
IF, AND, AND IF C4 AND C5 AND C6 type IF, AND, AND in the Legal Spreadsheet
IF, IF, OR, AND IF (D5 OR D6) AND C7 type IF, OR, AND in the Legal Spreadsheet
IF, IF, OR, OR, AND, AND IF (D5 OR D6 OR D7) AND C8 AND C9 type IF, IF, OR, OR, AND, AND in the Legal Spreadsheet

2: The logic formula is at the top left outlined in red. The cell outlined in blue is the cell where the logic formula resides in.

Appendix A - Glossary

Term Explanation
Constitutive rules Rules that make possible new forms of behaviour.