I've recently switched from Spacemacs to Doom for my Emacs base config and am loving it.
What is Doom Emacs? It's a base set of configuration for Emacs. See below for more info!
- Doom Emacs: https://github.com/hlissner/doom-emacs
- There is a great playlist on YouTube by Zaiste Programming. Link to playlist: Zaiste Programming, Doom Emacs playlist on YouTube
Though Emacs can do just about anything (seriously!), I love to use Emacs primarilly for writing in Org Mode, Markdown, general writing and general mucking around with code and light coding jobs. I prefer my JetBrains IDE's for large projects.
I'll grow this config over time, but right now Doom Emacs is workign really well for me right out of the box, with little customization.