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Card Editor Form Builder for Home Assistant

An reimplementation of the original ha-editor-formbuilder (by marcokreeft87) - with a focus on supporting extensive YAML configurations, controls backed by ha-selector, conditional expresssion evaluation, and more.



This form builder can be integrated into your custom card projects, allowing you to easily create dynamic and interactive forms for your custom card's editor. By leveraging the standard Home Assistant selector controls and dynamic expressions, you can build a clean, adaptable, and user-friendly interface for configuring your cards.



To use the Card Editor Form Builder, first install the module into your project:

npm install 'ha-card-formbuilder@git+' --save

Basic Configuration

You will import the Editor class into your project and extend it for use.

You can define your form configurations within your code if preferred, but importing from a YAML file provides quick edit capabilities and is the primary use-case.

Extending and Implementing the Editor Class

To extend and implement the Editor class:

  1. Import the Editor Class: Import the base Editor class from the module.

  2. Extend the Editor Class: Create a new class that extends the base Editor class.

  3. Implement Required Methods: Implement the required methods such as render.

  4. Load Configuration for Rendering: Load your form configuration (from YAML or js variable) and call the generateForm(formContent) method from render()

Here is an example of how to extend and implement the Editor class:

import { Editor } from 'path-to-editor-module';
import { html } from 'lit';

class CustomCardEditor extends Editor {


    constructor(cardType) {

        // load the configuration from your yaml file with your preferred method of doing so
        this._formControls = {};
        this._formControls = myYamlLoader('myYamlFile');

    render() {
        if (!this._hass) {
            return html`<ha-alert alert-type="error" title="Error">Home Assistant instance is missing.</ha-alert>`;

        if (!this._config) {
            return html`<ha-alert alert-type="error" title="Error">Card configuration is missing.</ha-alert>`;

        if (!this._formControls) {
            return html`<ha-alert alert-type="error" title="Error">Form controls are missing.</ha-alert>`;

        try {
            const formContent = this._formControls;
            const returnForm = this.generateForm(formContent);
            return returnForm;
        } catch (error) {
            console.error('Error rendering configuration form:', error);
            return html`<ha-alert alert-type="error" title="Error">Error rendering form: ${error.message}</ha-alert>`;

customElements.define('custom-card-editor', CustomCardEditor);

Form Configuration Structure

The form configuration is structured in a hierarchical manner using sections, rows, and controls. Each level of the hierarchy has specific properties and types that define the form's layout and behavior. If you have multiple cards to build editors for, you can create an array within your file to do so.

YAML Structure

|  you-card-#    |
    +-- render_form
    |      |
    |      +-- Section
    |      |      |
    |      |      +-- label
    |      |      +-- outlined
    |      |      +-- icon
    |      |      +-- rows
    |      |             |
    |      |             +-- ControlRow
    |      |             |      |
    |      |             |      +-- cssClass
    |      |             |      +-- visibilityCondition
    |      |             |      +-- controls
    |      |             |             |
    |      |             |             +-- Control
    |      |             |             |      |
    |      |             |             |      +-- label
    |      |             |             |      +-- helper
    |      |             |             |      +-- configValue
    |      |             |             |      +-- type
    |      |             |             |      +-- selector
    |      |             |             |             |
    |      |             |             |             +-- select
    |      |             |             |                     |
    |      |             |             |                    +-- options
    |      |             |             +-- Control                 |
    |      |             |                                         +-- value
    |      |             |                                         +-- label
    |      |             |
    |      |             +-- ControlRow
    |      |                    |
    |      |                    +-- cssClass
    |      |                    +-- controls
    |      |                           |
    |      |                           +-- Control
    |      |                                  |
    |      |                                  +-- label
    |      |                                  +-- helper
    |      |                                  +-- configValue
    |      |                                  +-- type
    |      |                                  +-- selector
    |      |                                         |
    |      |                                         +-- select
    |      |                                                |
    |      |                                                +-- optionsCondition
    +-- css
            +-- cssText


A row is a container within a section that holds one or more control rows or sections. Rows can have properties such as visibilityCondition and cssClass.

  - type: ControlRow
    cssClass: "my-custom-css-class-in-cssText"
      - ....control
      - ....control
  - type: ControlRow
    cssClass: "form-row two-controls"
      - ....control
      - ....control
  - type: Section
      - type: ControlRow

Sections [ha-expansion-panel]

A section is a top-level container that groups related rows and controls. It uses ha-expansion-panel and has properties such as label, outlined, icon, and more.

Tip: Sections can also be nested to form groupings of similar control items into larger control groups.

- type: Section
  label: "Section Label"
  outlined: true
  leftChevron: false
  headerLevel: 4
  icon: "mdi:icon-name"
  noCollapse: false
  rows: # Array of rows within the section
    - type: ControlRow
      cssClass: "form-row"
      controls: # Array of controls within the row
        - label: "Control Label"
          helper: "Helper text"
          configValue: "config.path"
          type: Selector
                - value: "option1"
                  label: "Option 1"
                - value: "option2"
                  label: "Option 2"

Section Type Options

Parameter Description Type Options Required Default Value
type The type of the element String Section Yes -
label The label for the section String - No -
outlined Whether the section is outlined Boolean - No true
leftChevron Whether to show a left chevron Boolean - No false
headerLevel The header level for the section Number 1-6 No 4
icon The icon for the section String - No -
noCollapse Whether the section is collapsible Boolean - No false
visibilityCondition Condition to determine if the section is visible String - No -
rows Array of rows (Sections or ControlRows) Array - Yes -

Control Rows

Control Rows are the rows in the form (or within Sections) that the controls are placed.

ControlRow Type Options

Parameter Description Type Options Required
type The type of the element String ControlRow Yes
cssClass CSS class to apply to the row String - No
visibilityCondition Condition to determine if the section is visible String - No
controls Array of controls within the row Array - Yes


Controls are the individual form elements within a row. Each control can have various properties such as label, helper, configValue, type, and more. The type property determines the specific control type.

Control Types

The following control types are supported:

  • Selector: A dropdown or radio button selector.
  • Divider: A horizontal divider.
  • Filler: An empty filler control.
  • Message: An alert/message control [ha-alert]
  • RawHTML: Render a raw HTML string.
- type: Selector
  label: "Control Label"
  helper: "Helper text"
  configValue: ""
        - value: "option1"
          label: "Option 1"
        - value: "option2"
          label: "Option 2"

Control - Common Options

Parameter Description Type Options Default Value Required
type The control type String Selector
- Yes
configValue The configuration value path the control is for. String - - Yes
label The label for the control String - - No
helper Helper text for the control String - - No
disabled Whether the control is disabled Boolean - false No
required Whether the control is required Boolean - false No
selector The specific selector definition (see below) Object - - Yes (type: Selector)
visibilityCondition,disabledCondition Conditional expressions (see below) String - - No


The visibilityCondition and disabledCondition options allow you to dynamically control the visibility and enabled state of controls based on specific conditions. These conditions are evaluated as JavaScript expressions within the context of the form. You have access to the context including this, hass, and window.

Condition Types

Parameter Description Type Required
visibilityCondition Condition to determine if the control is visible String No
disabledCondition Condition to determine if the control is disabled String No



The visibilityCondition option can be used to show or hide a control based on a specific condition. For example, you can show a control only if a certain configuration value is true.

- type: ControlRow
  cssClass: "form-row"
    - label: "Show Icon"
      helper: "Toggle to show or hide the icon"
      configValue: "show_icon"
      type: Switch
      visibilityCondition: "this._config.someCondition === true"

In this example, the "Show Icon" control will only be visible if someCondition is true.


The disabledCondition option can be used to enable or disable a control based on a specific condition. For example, you can disable a control if a certain configuration value is false.

- type: ControlRow
  cssClass: "form-row"
    - label: "Background Color"
      helper: "Select the background color"
      configValue: "background_color"
      type: Selector
            - value: "red"
              label: "Red"
            - value: "blue"
              label: "Blue"
      disabledCondition: "this._config.someOtherCondition === false"

In this example, the "Background Color" control will be disabled if someOtherCondition is false.

optionsCondition [Dynamic Options list for selector: select]

You can dynamically generate options arrays for the select selector based on expressions. For example with access to our context, you can list CSS variables that start with a specific prefix.

- controls:
    - label: "Options from Vars"
      configValue: "cblcars_card_config.variables.card.background.color.default"
      type: Selector
          optionsCondition: |
            (() => {
              const styles =;
              const options = [];
              for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
                const name = styles[i];
                if (name.startsWith('--picard-')) {
                  const value = styles.getPropertyValue(name).trim();
                  options.push({ value, label: name.replace('--', '') });
              return options;


Basic Example Here is a basic example of a form configuration:

    - type: Section
      label: "Section 31"
      outlined: true
      leftChevron: false
      headerLevel: 4
      icon: "mdi:space-invaders"
      noCollapse: false
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row two-controls"
            - label: "Label (text)"
              helper: "I'm a text selector"
              configValue: "configSample.textSelector.typeText"
              disabled: false
              required: true
              type: Selector
            - label: "Label (color)"
              helper: "I'm a text color selector"
              configValue: "configSample.textSelector.typeColor"
              disabled: false
              required: true
              type: Selector
    - type: Section
      label: "General Settings"
      outlined: true
      icon: "mdi:settings"
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row two-controls"
            - label: "Entity"
              helper: "Select the entity"
              configValue: "entity"
              type: Selector
            - label: "Show Icon"
              helper: "Toggle to show or hide the icon"
              configValue: "show_icon"
              type: Switch
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row"
            - label: "Background Color"
              helper: "Select the background color"
              configValue: "background_color"
              type: Selector
                  optionsCondition: |
                    (() => {
                      const styles =;
                      const options = [];
                      for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
                        const name = styles[i];
                        if (name.startsWith('--picard-')) {
                          const value = styles.getPropertyValue(name).trim();
                          options.push({ value, label: name.replace('--', '') });
                      return options;

Advanced Example Here is an advanced example with dynamic options:

    - type: Section
      label: "General Settings"
      outlined: true
      icon: "mdi:settings"
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row two-controls"
            - label: "Entity"
              helper: "Select the entity"
              configValue: "entity"
              type: Selector
            - label: "Show Icon"
              helper: "Toggle to show or hide the icon"
              configValue: "show_icon"
              type: Switch
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row"
            - label: "Background Color"
              helper: "Select the background color"
              configValue: "background_color"
              type: Selector
                  optionsCondition: |
                    (() => {
                      const styles =;
                      const options = [];
                      for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
                        const name = styles[i];
                        if (name.startsWith('--picard-')) {
                          const value = styles.getPropertyValue(name).trim();
                          options.push({ value, label: name.replace('--', '') });
                      return options;
    - type: Section
      label: "General Settings"
      outlined: true
      icon: "mdi:settings"
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row two-controls"
            - label: "Entity"
              helper: "Select the entity"
              configValue: "entity"
              type: Selector
            - label: "Show Icon"
              helper: "Toggle to show or hide the icon"
              configValue: "show_icon"
              type: Selector
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row"
            - label: "Background Color"
              helper: "Select the background color"
              configValue: "background_color"
              type: Selector
                  optionsCondition: |
                    (() => {
                      const styles =;
                      const options = [];
                      for (let i = 0; i < styles.length; i++) {
                        const name = styles[i];
                        if (name.startsWith('--picard-')) {
                          const value = styles.getPropertyValue(name).trim();
                          options.push({ value, label: name.replace('--', '') });
                      return options;
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row"
            - label: "Show Message"
              helper: "Toggle to show or hide the message"
              configValue: "show_message"
              type: Selector
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row"
            - type: Message
              message: "This is a conditional message."
              visibilityCondition: "this._config.show_message === true"
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row"
            - type: RawHTML
              html: "<p>This is a raw HTML block.</p>"
    - type: Section
      label: "Advanced Settings"
      outlined: true
      icon: "mdi:settings-outline"
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row"
            - label: "Enable Feature"
              helper: "Toggle to enable or disable the feature"
              configValue: "enable_feature"
              type: Selector
        - type: ControlRow
          cssClass: "form-row"
            - label: "Feature Options"
              helper: "Select an option for the feature"
              configValue: "feature_option"
              type: Selector
                    - value: "option1"
                      label: "Option 1"
                    - value: "option2"
                      label: "Option 2"
                disabledCondition: "this._config.enable_feature !== true"
        - type: Section
          label: "Nested Section"
          outlined: true
            - type: ControlRow
              cssClass: "form-row"
                - label: "Nested Control"
                  helper: "This is a nested control"
                  configValue: "nested_control"
                  type: Selector
                        - value: "nested1"
                          label: "Nested 1"
                        - value: "nested2"
                          label: "Nested 2"


ha-selector Control Reference

The Selector control type in formbuilder allows users to choose from various ha-selector definitions.

Below are the common parameters for the control, followed by the specific parameters and options for each selector type.

ha-selector references can be found in ha-selector.ts the Home Assistant Front-End GitHub repository.

Interactive demo of most controls can be found in the Front-End Gallery.

Additional Selector documentation can be found in the HA Documentation

Common Parameters

Parameter Description Type Default Value Required
hass Home Assistant object Object - Yes
value The current value of the control Any - Yes
configValue The configuration value path String - Yes
label The label for the control String - No
helper Helper text for the control String - No
disabled Whether the control is disabled Boolean false No
required Whether the control is required Boolean false No
selector The specific selector definition Object - Yes


Below is a list of tested selectors that work on card configuraton forms. The full library of selectors is not avaiable as some are meant for blueprint forms.

String/Text Selector [type: text]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
multiline Whether the input is multiline Boolean - No
type The type of input String number, text, search, tel, url, email, password, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, color No
prefix Prefix text for the input String - No
suffix Suffix text for the input String - No
autocomplete Autocomplete attribute for the input String - No
multiple Whether multiple values are allowed Boolean - No

Boolean Selector [type: boolean]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
boolean Boolean value Object - Yes

Number Selector [type: number]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
min Minimum value Number - No
max Maximum value Number - No
step Step value Number any No
mode Input mode String box, slider No
unit_of_measurement Unit of measurement String - No
slider_ticks Whether to show slider ticks Boolean - No

Entity Selector [type: entity]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
multiple Whether multiple entities can be selected Boolean - No
include_entities List of entities to include String[] - No
exclude_entities List of entities to exclude String[] - No
filter Filter for entities Object See below No
Entity Selector Filter
Parameter Description Type Options Required
integration Integration name String - No
domain Domain name String - No
device_class Device class String - No
supported_features Supported features Number - No

Icon Selector [type: icon]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
placeholder Placeholder text for the icon input String - No
fallbackPath Fallback path for the icon String - No

Select Selector [type: select]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
multiple Whether multiple options can be selected Boolean - No
custom_value Whether custom values are allowed Boolean - No
mode Selection mode String list, dropdown No
options List of options String[] - Yes
translation_key Translation key for the options String - No
sort Whether to sort the options Boolean - No
reorder Whether to allow reordering of options Boolean - No
Select Option
Parameter Description Type Options Required
value The value of the option Any - Yes
label The label for the option String - Yes
disabled Whether the option is disabled Boolean - No

UI Action Selector [type: ui_action]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
actions List of UI actions Object[] - No
default_action Default UI action Object - No

UI Color Selector [type: ui_color]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
default_color Whether to use the default color Boolean - No

Color Temp Selector [type: color_temp ]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
unit Unit of measurement for color temperature String kelvin, mired No
min Minimum value for color temperature Number - No
max Maximum value for color temperature Number - No
min_mireds Minimum value for mireds Number - No
max_mireds Maximum value for mireds Number - No

QR Code Selector [type: qr_code]

Parameter Description Type Options Required
data The data to encode in the QR code String - Yes


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