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Promising-ARM/RISC-V: a simpler and faster operational concurrency model

Christopher Pulte, Jean Pichon-Pharabod, Jeehoon Kang, Sung-Hwan Lee, Chung-Kil Hur.

40th annual ACM SIGPLAN conference on Programming Languages Design and Implementation (PLDI 2019).

Please visit the project website for more information.


  • Requirement: Coq 8.15, Make.

  • Initialization

      cd promising-arm
      git submodule init
      git submodule update
  • make: quickly build without checking the proofs.

  • make build: build with checking all the proofs.

  • Interactive Theorem Proving: use ProofGeneral or CoqIDE. Note that make creates _CoqProject, which is then used by ProofGeneral and CoqIDE. To use it:

    • ProofGeneral: use a recent version.
    • CoqIDE: configure it to use _CoqProject: Edit > Preferences > Project: change ignored to appended to arguments.



  • lib and src/lib contains libraries not necessarily related to relaxed-memory concurrency.

  • src/lib/Lang.v: Definition of assembly-like language and its interpretation

  • src/promising/Promising.v: Definition of Promising-ARM/RISC-V without certification (corresponding to the rules on Figure 3)

  • src/axiomatic/Axiomatic.v: Definition of Axiomatic

  • src/lcertify: Thread-local certification


  • Theorem 6.1: Equivalence between Promising-ARM/RISC-V and Axiomatic

    • Theorem axiomatic_to_promising in src/axiomatic/AtoP.v: Axiomatic refines Promising-ARM/RISC-V without certification.
    • Theorem promising_to_axiomatic in src/axiomatic/PFtoA.v: Promising-ARM/RISC-V without certification refines Axiomatic.
      • PFtoA1.v: construction of axiomatic execution from promising execution
      • PFtoA2.v, PFtoA3.v: definitions and lemmas for main proof
      • PFtoA4*.v: proof for validity of constructed axiomatic execution
        • PFtoA4SL.v: simulation between promising and axiomatic execution
        • PFtoA4OBR.v, PFtoA4OBW.v, PFtoA4FR.v: proof for "external" axiom
        • PFtoA4Atomic.v: proof for "atomic" axiom
    • Since Promising-ARM/RISC-V without certification is equivalent to Promising-ARM/RISC-V by Theorem 6.2, Promising-ARM/RISC-V is equivalent to Axiomatic.
  • Theorem 6.2: Equivalence between Promising-ARM/RISC-V and Promising-ARM/RISC-V without certification

    • Theorem certified_exec_equivalent in src/lcertify/CertifyComplete.v: Promising-ARM/RISC-V and Promising-ARM/RISC-V without certification are equivalent.
  • Theorem 6.3: Deadlock freedom of Promising-RISC-V

    • Theorem certified_deadlock_free in src/lcertify/CertifyProgressRiscV.v: Promising-RISC-V is deadlock-free.
  • Theorem 6.4: Correctness of find_and_certify

    • Theorem certified_promise_correct in src/lcertify/FindCertify.v: find_and_certify is correct.
      • Theorem certified_promise_sound in src/lcertify/FindCertify.v: Assume the thread configuration <T, M> is certified, and promising p leads to <T', M'>. Then <T'. M'> is certified if p is in find_and_certify <T, M>.
      • Theorem certified_promise_complete in src/lcertify/FindCertify.v: Assume the thread configuration <T, M> is certified, and promising p leads to <T', M'>. Then p is in find_and_certify <T, M> if <T', M'> is certified.
  • Theorem 7.1: For every Promising tr, there exists a trace tr' with same final state such that tr' can be split into a sequence of promise transitions followed by only non-promise transitions.

    • Theorem promising_to_promising_pf in src/promising/PtoPF.v: Promising-ARM/RISC-V refines Promising-PF, which promises all the writes at first.


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