Releases: snurr-group/gRASPA
2025-Feb09 main code
- MC moves refactored into move classes
- small changes for gRASPA_pybind
Jan13-2025 Release
small bug fix (writing movie files)
2024-Dec12 main code
Dec. 2024 backup release
2024-Nov05 main code
some speedup, 10% - 20%
excess loading for GCMC when using Peng-Robinson EOS
2024-Sept30 main code
end of Sept. backup release
some warning fixes
2024-Sept12 main code
PR: heat of adsorption for single and multiple components heat of adsorption for single and multiple components with new XeKr mixture, Bae mix-ligand CO2/methane mixture, and NU2000 p-xylene tests
2024-Aug12 main code
main gRASPA code @ 081224
gRASPA-HTC: high-throughput-calculations
A standalone version of the gRASPA code that runs a GCMC simulation per CUDA block.
Source code and example input files included.
The user needs to provide a folder with structures (in .cif format) with a list of frameworks in the same folder.
See simulation.input file included for more information.
gRASPA translated to SYCL/C++
A version of gRASPA with GPU kernel functions translated to SYCL from CUDA.
For those who are curious about different devices.
It can be used for non-NVIDIA devices (Intel/AMD GPU cards), or even non-GPUs (parallel CPUs, FPGAs). It was reviewed around Dec. 2023.
Read more about SYCL:
The faster (simpler) version, with somewhat limited features.
- This code is able to perform:
- Single component Grand Canonical Monte Carlo (GCMC)
- Transition Matrix Monte Carlo (TMMC) in the GC ensemble (GC-TMMC)
- Single component NVT-Gibbs Monte Carlo (tested with ethane vapor-liquid equilibrium)
- Difference from the main version:
- This version only reports the total energy of the simulation
- Faster speed and much better scaling when using Nvidia-MPS for single-component GCMC.
- Please use the
in the zip folder attached to compile this code (mentioned later).
- For single-component GCMC, if you run the same simulation with the same setup and random seed, you should get the same result using this and the main version of gRASPA.
- Please refer to the manuscript for the explanation of the fast option.
NOTE: download the first two in the assets below