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Weather Application


This is a comprehensive weather application built for Android using Kotlin. It allows users to view daily weather summaries, including average temperature, maximum and minimum temperatures, and dominant weather conditions. The app also provides visualizations of weather data using charts to offer a better understanding of the weather trends. Additionally, the app allows user-configurable update times (e.g., every 5 minutes or every 30 minutes) and offers vibration alerts ( user-configurable for max and min temperature) for temperature thresholds.


  • Current Weather: View the current weather conditions, including temperature, humidity, and wind speed.
  • 7-Day Forecast: Get a forecast for the next seven days with detailed daily summaries.
  • Weather Visualizations: Display weather data using line charts for temperatures and pie charts for weather conditions.
  • Persistent Storage: Store daily weather summaries in a local Room database for offline access and future analysis.
  • User-Configurable Update Time: Set the weather data update interval (e.g., every 5/10/30/60 minutes).
  • Vibration Alerts: Receive vibration alerts for temperature thresholds (configurable for max and min temperature).


This application follows the MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) architectural pattern to separate the UI components from the business logic and data access. Here's a brief overview of the architecture:

  • Model: Represents the data layer, including the Room database and Retrofit network API.
  • View: Consists of UI components and layouts.
  • ViewModel: Handles UI-related data and provides data to the UI components.
  • Repository: Acts as a single source of truth, mediating between the data sources (database, network) and the ViewModel.

Project Structure

              - WeatherDatabase.kt
              - DailySummary.kt
              - DailySummaryDao.kt
              - Converters.kt
              - WeatherRepository.kt
              - WeatherApiService.kt
              - WeatherApiClient.kt
                - WeatherSummaryActivity.kt
              - WeatherSummaryViewModel.kt
        - activity_weather_summary.xml
        - weather_icon.png

Getting Started


Before you begin, ensure you have met the following requirements:

  • Android Studio Arctic Fox (or newer)
  • Android SDK 26+
  • An internet connection for fetching weather data


BEST WAY IS TO JUST INSTALL THE APK FILE PROVIDED IN THE REPO (in your android device, device must be above android OREO)

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
    cd Weather
  2. Open in Android Studio:

    • Launch Android Studio.
    • Select "Open an existing Android Studio project."
    • Navigate to the cloned directory and select it.
  3. Build the Project:

    • Click on "Build" > "Make Project" to build the application.
  4. Run the Application:

    • Connect an Android device or start an emulator.
    • Click the "Run" button to deploy the app.



To fetch weather data, you need to obtain an API key from a weather service provider like OpenWeatherMap. Add the API key to your project:

  1. Open the WeatherApiClient.kt file located in the /network package.
  2. Locate the API_KEY constant and replace the placeholder with your actual API key.


Ensure the following permissions are added in the AndroidManifest.xml file to access the internet:

    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
    <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />

Detailed Component Breakdown

Data Layer

  1. Room Database:

    • DailySummary.kt: Entity class representing a daily weather summary.
    • DailySummaryDao.kt: Data Access Object for CRUD operations.
    • WeatherDatabase.kt: Abstract class extending RoomDatabase.
  2. Network:

    • WeatherApiService.kt: Defines the endpoints for fetching weather data using Retrofit.
    • WeatherApiClient.kt: Provides an instance of WeatherApiService.


  • WeatherRepository.kt: Handles data operations and abstracts the data sources from the rest of the app.


  • WeatherSummaryViewModel.kt: Manages UI-related data and acts as a bridge between the repository and UI.

UI Layer

  1. Activity:

    • WeatherSummaryActivity.kt: Displays weather data and handles user interactions.
  2. Layouts:

    • activity_weather_summary.xml: Layout file for the WeatherSummaryActivity.


The app uses MPAndroidChart library for visualizing weather data:

  • Line Chart: Displays average temperature trends over days.
  • Pie Chart: Shows the distribution of weather conditions (e.g., sunny, rainy, cloudy).


  1. Viewing Current Weather: Launch the app to view the current weather conditions.
  2. Exploring Forecast: Navigate to the forecast section to see upcoming weather trends.
  3. Analyzing Charts: Use the temperature and condition charts to analyze historical weather data.


Contributions are welcome! Follow these steps to contribute:

  1. Fork the repository.
  2. Create a new branch: git checkout -b feature/YourFeature.
  3. Commit your changes: git commit -m 'Add YourFeature'.
  4. Push to the branch: git push origin feature/YourFeature.
  5. Open a pull request.


  • OpenWeatherAPI: For providing weather data.
  • MPAndroidChart: For charting solutions.
  • Android Developers: For documentation and resources.



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