In this Task I have created an ERC20 Upgradable Multi Wallet signature contract. Having a multiple owners will prevent hackers to take advantage of the contract. The contracts are deployed on a BSC testnet through hardhat and the contracts addresses are mentioned. In upgradable contract I have added 2 functions that are being upgraded
- Change Name
- Change Symbol
- npm install
- npx hardhat run --network testnet scripts/deploy_ERC20M.js
- npx hardhat verify --network testnet [Address]
- npx hardhat run --network testnet scripts/deploy_ERC20MUpgradable.js
- npx hardhat verify --network testnet [Address]
- Once an ERC20 contract is deployed then there is no way it could be UPGRADED.
- It could only be upgraded while you are deploying the very first contract.
I am using OpenZeppelin Upgrdable Proxy approach to make my ERC20 contract Upgradable.
Transparent Upgradable Proxy:- Proxy Admin:- ERC20:- ERC20Upgradable:-