Automatically generated diagrams and animations for Scala data structures
danielauener / git-auf-deutsch
Forked from bjorne/git-pa-svenskaGit auf deutsch
An implementation of a websocket server on top of
Virtual Classes for Scala implemented as annotation macro
A parser/packer combinator library for .net, where "Jars" (a serializer paired with a deserializer) are created by combining and augment primitive jars into complex jars. The resulting combinators …
adriaanm / replhtml
Forked from TiarkRompf/replhtmlScala REPL with a nice HTML GUI
An asymptotically fast version of java.math.BigInteger
greedy / scala
Forked from scala/scalaMy fork of scala (includes the llvm backend)
magarciaEPFL / scala
Forked from scala/scalaThe Scala programming language
Powerful new number types and numeric abstractions for Scala.
Bio-Formats is a Java library for reading and writing data in life sciences image file formats. It is developed by the Open Microscopy Environment. Bio-Formats is released under the GNU General Pub…
Tools to detect broken signatures in class files produced by scalac
sbt project that packages the Scala 2 distribution
Incubation project for the official scala.swing distribution. See the wiki page for details.
--- LEGAZY!!! --- Contains slides for the Scala training course.
Vorlesungsunterlagen für Vorlesung Software-Engineering II an der DHBW Karlsruhe
Slick (Scala Language Integrated Connection Kit) is a modern database query and access library for Scala
Io programming language. Inspired by Self, Smalltalk and LISP.