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Unirep Social Taiwan

Github Action Github contributors Github ISSUE Github PR Github Action @unirep/core @unirep/core Linter eslint Code style prettier chat on Discord

Welcome to the unirep social taiwan project. Leveraging the power of Unirep, our mission is to create a platform where community members can engage in discussions with 100% anonymity. We believe in fostering a space where individuals can express their thoughts and ideas securely, without the fear of their identities being revealed.

Join us in our journey towards a more anonymous and secure online community space!


0. Requirements

1. Installation

git clone
cd social-tw-website
yarn install

2. Start with each daemon

2.1 Build the files

yarn build

2.2 Start a node

yarn contracts hardhat node

2.3 Set up Twitter API Key

cp packages/relay/.env.example packages/relay/.env

Then fill in your Twitter API Key in packages/relay/.env

2.4 Deploy smart contracts

in new terminal window, from root:

yarn contracts deploy

2.5 Start a relayer (backend)

yarn relay start

2.6 Start a frontend

in new terminal window, from root:

yarn frontend start

It will be running at: http://localhost:3000/

3. Test with each daemon

yarn circuits test


yarn contracts test


yarn frontend test


yarn relay test

4. Lint

Ensure that your code follows the established style guidelines and is correctly formatted using Prettier:

4.1 Check Code Formatting

View the suggested code formatting without making changes:

yarn lint

4.2 Apply Code Formatting

Automatically format your code to match Prettier's style:

yarn lint:fix

4.3 Verify Code Formatting Ensure that your code is formatted correctly:

yarn lint:check

5. Deploy

5.1 Deploy frontend locally

docker build -t test-frontend:0.1 -f packages/frontend/Dockerfile .

docker run --rm -p 3000:3000 --network="bridge" test-frontend:0.1

5.2 Deploy backend locally

docker build -t test-relay:0.1 -f packages/relay/Dockerfile .

docker run --network="host" --rm -p 8000:8000 test-relay:0.1


Getting Started

Before diving into the codebase:

  1. Read the Please ensure you've reviewed our It contains crucial information on our coding standards, the pull request process, and more.
  2. Search Existing Issues: We use the GitHub issue tracker to manage our tasks and bugs. Please spend a few minutes searching for issues to see if someone else has already reported the same problem or suggested the same change.
  3. Reporting New Issues: If you don't find an existing issue that addresses your concern, feel free to open a new one. Provide as much detail as possible to help us understand the context and importance.

Steps for Contributing

  1. Fork the Repository: If you're not a direct contributor, start by forking the main repository.
  2. Create a New Branch: Branches should be named descriptively. For example: add-login-feature or fix-image-upload-bug.
  3. Implement Your Changes: Make sure your changes adhere to our coding standards and don't introduce new issues.
  4. Submit a Pull Request (PR): Once you're satisfied with your changes, push your branch to your fork and submit a pull request. Our team will review it, suggest changes if necessary, and merge it when it's ready.

Branch naming conventions

Please follow the following branch naming scheme when creating your branch:

  • feature-foo-bar for new features
  • fix-foo-bar for bug fixes
  • test-foo-bar when the change concerns only the test suite
  • refactor-foo-bar when refactoring code without any behavior change


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