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How to compose apps using WebSockets

majek edited this page Feb 23, 2012 · 4 revisions

How to compose apps using WebSockets

Or: How to do proper multiplexing on WebSockets or on SockJS

As you may know, WebSockets are a cool new HTML5 technology which allows you to asynchronously send and receive messages. Our compatibility layer - SockJS - emulates it and will work even on old browsers or behind proxies.

WebSockets conceptually are very simple. The API is basically: connect, send and receive. But what if your web-app has many modules and every one wants to be able to send and receive data?

In theory you could open multiple WebSocket connections, one for every module. Although suboptimal (due to the need to handle multiple TCP/IP connections), this approach will work for native WebSockets. But, unfortunately it won't for SockJS due to a technical limitation of HTTP: for some fallbacks transports it is not possible to open more than one connection at a time to a single server.

This problem is real and worth solving. Let me rephrase it:

Assuming you can have only a single connection to a given host, and multiple modules wanting to send and receive data, what do you do?

You need multiplexing: combining data from multiple sources into a single connection. The next question is what API do you use; how do you expose multiplexing in the code?

The way has an API that attempts to solve this problem, it calls this 'namespaces'. Here's some example client (browser) code:

var chat = io.connect('http://localhost/chat');
chat.on('connect', function () {

var news = io.connect('http://localhost/news');
news.on('news', function () {

I think this API is quite confusing - under the hood is opening only a single connection, but reading the code gives us a different story.

The SockJS way

As opposed to, SockJS doesn't have any magical API. It looks like a WebSocket object, it behaves like one. Nothing surprising.

So how to solve the multiplexing problem?

It's usually a good idea to avoid inventing new APIs if possible, by using already established ones. Why not present each multiplexed channel as a WebSocket object?

What I'm suggesting is quite simple - you take a real SockJS (or WebSocket) connection, wrap it in a multiplexing layer, and extract any number of fake WebSocket objects out of it. They will be multiplexed internally, but from a module point of view - it will be completely transparent. The module speaks to a WebSocket object as far as it is concerned.

That's it. It's a bit like a magician's hat. You put one WebSocket connection in, you can take any number of fake WebSocket connections out.

This approach is better than what proposes - you can create code that just relies on a native WebSocket API. Later on, when the need arises, you can just pass a fake WebSocket object instead of real one. In other words: it composes. Problem solved.


If previously in the browser you were using a single SockJS connection, like this:

var sockjs = new SockJS('/echo');

You can modify the client code to:

var real_sockjs = new SockJS('/echo');

var multiplexer = new MultiplexedWebSocket(real_sockjs);
var fake_sockjs_1 ='ann');
var fake_sockjs_2 ='bob');

At this point 'fake' objects will behave identically to a normal SockJS object. You can expect to hear 'open', 'message' and 'close' events.

(The underlying code is about 60 lines of javascript)

Similarly the server side - it normally uses the usual "net.Server" and "Stream" node APIs:

var service = sockjs.createServer();

After a change:

var real_service = sockjs.createServer();

var multiplexer = new multiplex_server.MultiplexServer(real_service);
var fake_service_1 = multiplexer.registerChannel('ann');
var fake_service_2 = multiplexer.registerChannel('bob');

Again 'fake' objects will do the usual thing, they will emit a 'connected' event when a user subscribed to this particular channel arrives.

(The underlying multiplexer code is not very complex either)

If you want to see the multiplexer code in action:

Final thoughts

It's worth emphasising that this approach really does compose. Any module can take a fake WebSocket object and repeat the trick to get more second-layer fake WebSockets objects.

Instead of inventing new API's, just create code that relies on a WebSocket instance passed to the constructor. That'll all you really need to create composable code using WebSockets!