v1.0.1 Release
Version Summary
Version Number : v1.0.1 [tag: v1.0.1]
Date : 21-Sept-2020
Release Summary :
This is an update to the v1.0.0 release of SODA Dashboard.
This release adds a new user interface support for Delfin, the SODA Infrastructure management project.
- [New Feature] New user interface for Delfin - SODA Infrastructure Manager (SODA Resource Manager)
- Register Storage (Dell EMC Vmax, Huawei Oceanstor, HPE 3PAR)
- Storage Summary with reports on overall usage and alerts
- Quick overview panel on hover on for getting important facts without checking the details
- Tree view with grouping by Vendors and Models with aggregated quick view by model on hover.
- List view in smart data tables to view and filter storage arrays.
- Storage array Details
- Details of associated Volumes
- Details of Associated pools
- Capacity usage reports
- Latest Alerts for storage device.
- Sync all storage devices.
- [New Feature] Added collapsible sidebar menu with menu groups based on logically connected menu items.
- [Updated] AWS Volume support Cloud Block Service
- Improved AWS volume support from dashboard
- Create different types of AWS volumes (General Purpose, Provisioned IOPS, COLD HDD , Throughput Optimized HDD and Magnetic) with appropriate options from the SODA Dashboard.
- Modify AWS Volume information.
- List all volumes
- [New Feature*] GCP File share support in Cloud File Service
- Added support for registering a GCP File Storage cloud backend
- Added File share create, modify and list support for GCP File share.
- Modified the AK/SK length from 20 and 40 to 16 and 32 as per GCP requirements.
- [Updated] Added a popup warning on first load if the AK/SK is not generated. User will be prompted to generate an AK/SK if not already done.
- [Bug Fixes]
- [Known Issues]
- List all alerts for all storage devices API in Delfin UI is not available. This will throw an error notification when the storage summary dashboard is loaded.
- GCP File share Modify and Delete not yet tested from dashboard (existing functionality - needs to be tested)
Projects/Repos Tested with this release:
How to use the Release:
Configuration & Installation If you want more config control, you can follow these steps: https://docs.sodafoundation.io/soda-gettingstarted/installation-using-ansible/
Just checkout v1.0.1
Issues and Suggestions
Any SODA Release related issues/suggestions, please raise at https://github.com/sodafoundation/dashboard/issues