v1.2.2 Release
Version Summary
Version Number : v1.2.2 [tag: v1.2.2]
Date : 24-Mar-2021
Release Summary :
SODA v1.2.2 Release is an incremental release over v1.2.1 release of SODA Foundation.
The earlier stable release Hawaii, you can get here.
This is a pre-release for Isabela and for testing/demo only
New Feature
- [Delfin UI] Added support for DellEMC VNX and VPLEX devices in Delfin.
- [Delfin UI] Added CLI and SMI-S access methods for registering storage devices using Delfin
- [Delfin UI] Added new resource types: Qtree, Filesystems, Quotas and Shares display for NAS capable devices in Delfin
- [Multicloud UI] Added Archive and retrieve support for Azure and GCP object storage.
- [Multicloud UI] Updated the Backend registration form. Removed bucket param from backend registration for AWS, Azure, Huawei and GCP.
- [Multicloud UI] Updated the lifecycle UI as per bucket management changes for AWS, Azure, Huawei and GCP.
- [Multicloud UI] Added a progress bar and notification for copy-paste operation
- [Multicloud UI] Added success and error notification for delete object API
- [Delfin UI] Added conditional display of resources based on device capability. Added new resources: Qtree, Filesystem and Shares for NAS devices.
- [Delfin UI] Removed the link to performance monitoring configuration from dashboard
Bug Fixes
- [Delfin UI]Fixed the config alert source form not getting reset on cancel or submit form
- Overall minor fixes and enhancements.
Projects/Repos Tested with this release:
Project | Release Link |
multi-cloud | multicloud release v1.2.2 |
installer | installer release v1.2.2 |
delfin | delfin release v1.1.2 |
How to use the Release:
Configuration & Installation If you want more config control, you can follow these steps: https://docs.sodafoundation.io/soda-gettingstarted/installation-using-ansible/
Ensure to checkout v1.2.2
Edit the file installer/ansible/group_vars/dashboard.yml
and change the line number 39.
$ vim installer/ansible/group_vars/dashboard.yml
# change the content at line#39 as:
dashboard_docker_image: sodafoundation/dashboard:v1.2.2
Edit the file installer/ansible/group_vars/gelato.yml
and change the line number 50.
$ vim installer/ansible/group_vars/gelato.yml
# change the content at line#50 as:
gelato_release: "v1.2.2"
Issues and Suggestions
Any SODA Release related issues/suggestions, please raise at https://github.com/sodafoundation/dashboard/issues