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Bayesian analysis of best-worst word association data

Preprocessing and analysis scripts for Bayesian analysis of best-worst scaling data, such as that generated by our word_norms_survey. The model in this repository allows for regression on the latent log-odds scale for the item values, which can answer questions such as:

Which properties of my words influence their association with evilness as measured by repeated best-worst rankings?

How well does my language model predict word associations on femininity as measured by repeated best-worst rankings?


This repository uses an RStudio project. Open the bestworst_analysis.Rproj file in RStudio to open the project. To run the code in this repository, first install the dependencies as follows in R

# install packages
pks <- c("cmdstanr", "tidyverse", "patchwork", "arrow")
install.packages(pks, repos = c("", getOption("repos")))

# install stan to compile & run models


The model is a Bayesian rank-ordered logit (ROL) model which estimates latent item values based on (partial) rankings of these items on a specific task. The model is implemented in stan. The stan code, data preparation functions, and posterior summarization functions can be found in the stan/ subfolder.

In these models, the likelihood of observing a rank ordering $y$ of $N$ items given each item's latent "worth" parameter $\theta_n$ is:

$$ P(y | \theta) = \sum^N_{n=1}\left[ \exp \theta_n \div \sum^N_{m = n} \exp \theta_m \right] $$

To learn more about these types of rank-ordered logit models, read:

  • For an intuitive understanding, the introduction from the Plackett-Luce package

    Turner, H.L., van Etten, J., Firth, D. and Kosmidis, I. (2020). Modelling Rankings in R: The PlackettLuce Package Computational Statistics, 35, 1027-1057. URL

  • For how this maps to best-worst experiments, Case 1 & the section on Models of Ranking by Repeated Best and/or Worst Choice from Marley, Flynn, & Australia (2015)

    Marley, A. A., Flynn, T. N., & Australia, V. (2015). Best worst scaling: theory and practice. International encyclopedia of the social & behavioral sciences, 2(2), 548-552.

  • For the stochastic (Bayesian) implementation: Glickman & Hennessy (2015)

    Glickman, M. E., & Hennessy, J. (2015). A stochastic rank ordered logit model for rating multi-competitor games and sports. Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 11(3), 131-144.


Experiment data processing

The experiment data processing script (01_experiment_process.R) takes in data from a best-worst scaling experiment (data_raw/experiment_data/) and creates a long-format version of this data which contains the following information:

  • subj_id the (anonymous) identifier of the participant in the study
  • trial the trial number of the participant
  • association the association that was tested (e.g., evilness, femininity)
  • wordtype the type of the words in the trial (first names, company names, non-words)
  • option the option number of the words (1 to 4)
  • word the word belonging to this option in the trial
  • ranking how the word was ranked. 1 is best, 4 is worst, and the remaining (unranked) words are given an equal middle rank (2.5).

In addition, the following inclusion criteria are applied:

  • include only participants who fully passed the attention check (i.e., both best and worst answers correct)
  • remove trials with response time <= 3 seconds
  • remove trials with log-response time >= 4 sd (i.e., approx 27 seconds)

This reduces the total number of trials from 12341 to 10266.

This long-format data is then stored as an rds file in the processed data folder.

Word data preprocessing

The word data processing script 02_word_preprocess.R reads the word data from data_raw/word_data/ and stores it as processed data (an rds file) in the processed data folder.

NB: for testing, the word data preprocessing script also adds a random item-level predictor to this data: languagemodel_prediction_evilness

Estimating item-level associations

The first analysis script 03_estimate_log_worth.R estimates log-worths for each word in a single word-type category on a single association. It produces the following plot of latent worth on a log-odds scale:

Predicting item-level associations using item-level predictors

The second analysis script 04_regress_log_worth.R performs regression for the log-worths using item-level predictors from the word data. Using this approach, it is possible to perform inference for the regression parameters:

# A tibble: 1 × 10
  variable                           mean median    sd   mad     q5   q95  rhat ess_bulk ess_tail
  <chr>                             <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>    <dbl>    <dbl>
1 languagemodel_prediction_evilness 0.142  0.144 0.272 0.257 -0.301 0.587  1.00    3201.    4100.


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This project is developed and maintained by the ODISSEI Social Data Science (SoDa) team.

Do you have questions, suggestions, or remarks? File an issue in the issue tracker or feel free to contact the team at


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