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CI generating conda packages and conda-based CI tools for SOFA. Packages are uploaded on the Anaconda channel sofa-framework.

Build status for latest release

Conda Version Dynamic YAML Badge Conda Platform

sofa sofa-python3 sofa-stlib sofa-modelorderreduction sofa-beamadapter sofa-softrobots sofa-softrobotsinverse sofa-cosserat sofa-glfw

Available conda packages

SOFA core

Name Version Platforms Description
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform SOFA core runtime libraries
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform SOFA core development files (runtime libraries + headers + cmake files)
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform SOFA.GL rendering library (devel version)
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform Qt based GUI library for SOFA (devel version)
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform SOFA runtime binaries (sofaRun) + required resources. Includes all SOFA core packages.

External SOFA plugins

Name Version Platforms Description
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform Python bindings and scenes support. For macOS users, please read special instructions here.
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform SOFA Template Library
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform Plugin to Reduce Model
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform Plugin implementing Kirchhoff rods to simulate any 1D flexible structure
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform Plugin containing components & method for soft robotics
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform Plugin containing inverse method for soft robotics
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform Plugin to simulate linear structures using Cosserat theory
Static Badge Conda Version Conda Platform Quick and simple GUI for SOFA, based on GLFW and optionally Dear ImGui

Installing SOFA latest release from conda

Quick install (recommanded)

Full SOFA core install with SofaPython3 plugin

conda install sofa-app sofa-python3 --channel sofa-framework --channel conda-forge


Full SOFA core install with all packaged plugins

conda install sofa-app sofa-python3 sofa-stlib sofa-modelorderreduction sofa-beamadapter sofa-softrobots sofa-cosserat --channel sofa-framework --channel conda-forge

Testing install

Run SOFA application with its GUI

runSofa -l Sofa.GUI.Qt -g qt

Run SOFA application with its GUI and SofaPython3 plugin

runSofa -l Sofa.GUI.Qt -g qt -l SofaPython3

Please open an issue to report any problem.

Custom install

Setup conda (if necessary)

Install miniforge conda distribution

If you are new to conda or do not have a recent conda version, consider installing miniforge available here. Miniforge is a conda distribution maintened by the conda-forge community, which is the most active open-source conda community. Miniforge is also preconfigured to use the conda-forge channel by default.

Create & activate conda environment
conda create -n sofa-env
conda activate sofa-env

Install SOFA packages

You can install each of the previously mentioned package using conda command-line by specifying the sofa-framework custom channel. For example, if you want to install only SOFA runtime libraries, i.e. the libsofa package, use:

conda install libsofa --channel sofa-framework

or use the alternative modern notation:

conda install sofa-framework::libsofa

It is possible to list all the versions of each SOFA package that are available for your platform using conda search command. For example, searching versions for the libsofa package:

conda search libsofa --channel sofa-framework

Special instructions for macOS users

There is a bug with the python / libpython version provided by conda and current SofaPython3 (see this issue or related PR).

If you need to use the runSofa executable with SofaPython3 plugin, use the provided runSofa_with_python script (installed in the bin/ directory as well) instead the classical runSofa.


Ci workflow to generate release for Conda package







No packages published