A web portal to buy and sell items in the campus made using django ( it is hosted on heroku at http://iit-bazaar.herokuapp.com ).
- Login/Signup using your username and password. A User profile is created when you sign up. You can view items without logging in but you must be logged in to buy.
- When you sign in, you are directly logged in.
- Search bar for products and categories
- View details of products, categories and sellers.
- Shopping cart : add items to shopping cart to buy. You can also edit(add/delete) your shopping cart on the go. After this, you can checkout and then redirected to the payent page from where proceed to buy items in your shopping cart.
- A unique transaction id is also generated for your purchases. Date and time of all transactions is also stored in the database.
- Admin can see records of all users, products, sellers, order history etc.
- Security measures : Your password can't be too common or have less than 8 letters, unique transaction id, use of csrf token in forms
- django and python 3.6+ should be installed.
pip install django-reset-migrations
pip install django-phonenumber-field
pip install phonenumbers
pip install django-allauth
pip install pillow
From terminal, make sure you are in the same directory as manage.py
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver
Website will be hosted locally on
At http://iit-bazaar.herokuapp.com/admin,
- Admin account
- username :
- password :
- username :