Greetings! I'm Soham Waghmare, passionate about exploring the realms of AI and deep learning.
Here are some of the technologies and tools I work with:
- Programming Languages: Python, HTML, CSS, JS / TS, C++, C, Bash Script, Java
- Frontend: React, NextJS, shadcn/ui, MUI, Tailwind
- Backend: Django, ExpressJS (NodeJS), Flask
- Databases: MongoDB, MySQL, Postgresql
- DevOps: Linux, Git, Docker, Terraform, Ansible, Jenkins, Github Actions
- Collaboration: Jira, Notion, Slack, Discord, GitHub
- Tools: NeoVim, VSCode (Vim Ext), GColab
- Other: Blender (3D Animation), Photoshop, Premiere Pro (Video Editing)
I'm always eager to learn new things. Currently focused in . . .
- LLMs | RAG | ML | DL | NLP
- WebRTC | WebSockets
- NextJS
You can reach me via email at Feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn as well.
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