Safe Space is a portal for people who feel currently unsafe and are unable to contact anyone directly. It gives them the opportunity to talk to other people who feel unsafe to verify their status, and keep a log of their location.
DOMAIN CHALLENGE: Safe Space is located at [i need a Safe Space]. Due to the domain being new, some DNS changes may not have yet propagated, so a sample is at
To use safe space, first head over the the "unsafe" page. Then, enter in your personal information as well as a secret to verify your identity. The secret is not available publicly, and is what you can use to mark yourself as safe later. You can enter as much or as little information as you would like. Feel free to use the chat to speak to other people live, or fill out the unsafe page again to keep it updated of your location. Once you are safe, scroll down to the safe button and use your secret to remove your information from the "currently unsafe" table.
We used HTML, Javascript, and CSS for the frontend, and the backend is supported by Firebase. Additionally, we used Figma to wireframe, and Coolors to create our color palette.