Dnsmasq pxe tftp boot server from .iso files, via tftp/http/nfs/ipxe and maybe others ..in an attempt to make the simplest pxe server ..in the world ..and to save myself from dd'ing
- apt-cacher-ng and auto-apt-proxy for apt caching
- di-netboot-assistant for installing Debian/Ubuntu
- NFS and ufw
- Debian/Ubuntu Live with NFS (less ram)
- Boot into original di-netboot-assistant/LTSP menus
- Can boot into windows 10 setup
- Setup manual IP address by hand or via dhcp::mac
- Run:
git clone https://github.com/soholt/pooterbooter && cd pooterbooter
- Install required software
- Setup folders and firewall
- If no errors, start the firewall
sudo ufw enable
- Edit: configs/dnsmasq.pb.conf (might automate soon)
- Run:
cd admin && ./serv
to start the admin server, you will be required to enter root password to admin/mount/unmount - Browse: http://$my_ip_address:3000/
- Download some images to /srv/tftp/www/iso or mount hdd/usb
- Mount iso images in admin
- try to reduce journalctl output to speedup json
- ui fixes+improvments, multi iPXE menu
- Search for available *.iso files in /srv/tftp/www/iso
- Search for mounted iso file systems
- Mount/umount iso and generate pxe/ipxe menus
- Tested and works with archlinux, clonezilla, ubuntu server
- Ubuntu desktop/studio RAM: 3Gb=crash, 6Gb=Ok*
- Archlinux boots in 4min from Raspberry Pi1, ubuntu slow to dowload via 100Mb network
- Archlonux boot Gigabit lan 1min15sec, Pi4 should be similar
- TODO: Debian, Fedora and others
- TODO: Raspberry Pi boot
- TODO: EFI64 & EFI32 boot + arch
- TODO: iPXE & NFS(also need to see mounted iso-loop, maybe missing some opts)
- debian(I suspect it might be the same as pi)/ubuntu setup files
Tested on 21/June/2021 on Raspberry Pi1 - Raspberry Pi OS Lite from raspberrypi.org
ISO: 2021-05-07-raspios-buster-armhf-lite.zip
sha256 zip file c5dad159a2775c687e9281b1a0e586f7471690ae28f2f2282c90e7d59f64273c
Update OS: sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y && sudo apt install git
Enable ssh: sudo systemctl enable ssh && sudo systemctl start ssh
The rest can be done remotly
- Disable firewall
sudo ufw disable
- Check the services are up & running with no errors
systemctl status dnsmasq
systemctl status nginx
systemctl status nfs-kernel-server
- To restart a service/after reconfig
systemctl restart SERVICE_NAME_FROM_ABOVE
- For realtime happenings run
files - Some docs in ./admin/downloads.php
Crowd funding for Raspberry Pi4 and EFI64/32 https://ko-fi.com/ginsoholt
This (is)was supposed the be part of https://github.com/soholt/Tango but..
.. I also remember pxe booting G5, need to find the old scripts or magic options
My try to https://hackaday.io/project/180773-pooterbooter but I missed the deadlines :( oh well