This ansible script installs Passbolt and MariaDB container on Ubuntu.
- Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
- Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
- Ansible
- jmespath plugin
- Azure blob
- Azure CLI
- AWS S3
- Linode Object Storage
- s3cmd
- boto3
- community.docker
Azure CLI should be installed on the host where Passbolt and MariaDB is installed and Azure Blob Storage should be created on Azure.
It is a possibility to upload backup to all cloud providers at one time, to do that those programs: azure CLI, s3cmd, boto3 must be installed on the host where Passbolt and MariaDB is installed.
NOTE: S3CMD and boto3 are installed during installation process.
On host where Passbolt and MariaDB will be installed, ssh port should be enabled.
In inventory.ini
, set IP, user, password, ssh port or ssh_key on where Passbolt and MariaDB should be installed.
If ssh_key is used, comment password.
If password is used, comment ssh_key.
In inputs.yml
, set:
# Select deployment type: greenfield / brownfied.
deployment: greenfield
# Select if Passbolt and MariaDB are installed on one host or seperate.
aio: 0
In group_vars/all/common
, set:
_time_zone: Europe/Warsaw => Set Time Zone.
_mariadb: 1 => Install MariaDB.
_passbolt: 1 => Install Passbolt.
_zip_password: {password} => Set password for .zip files.
_docker_compose_version: 1.29.2 => Install docker-compose.
_restore_from_backup: => Restore Passbolt and MariaDB from backup during greenfield installation.
azure: 0 => Restore from Azure. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
linode: 0 => Restore from Linode. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
aws: 0 => Restore from AWS. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
_azure_upload: 0 => Upload to Azure Blob Storage. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
_container_name: {containerName} => Set Azure Blob Storage container name.
_account_name: {accountName} => Set Azure Blob Storage account name.
_account_key: {accountKey} => Set Azure Blob Storage account key.
_linode_upload: 0 => Upload to Linode Ojbect Storage. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
_linode_bucket: {bucketName} => Linode Object Storage name.
_linode_access_key: {accessKey} => Linode Object Storage access key.
_linode_secret_key: {secretKey} => Linode Object Storage secret key.
_host: {regionName} => Linode Object Storage region.
_aws_upload: 0 => Upload to AWS S3. 1 - yes, 0 - no.
_aws_bucket: {bucketName} => AWS S3 Bucket name.
_aws_access_key: {accessKey} => AWS access key.
_aws_secret_key: {secretKey} => AWS secret key.
To restore from backup, set 1 in variable azure
, linode
or aws
to choose from where the backup should be downloaded.
If azure
is set, enter proper values to the _container_name
, _account_name
and _account_key
If linode
is set, enter proper values to the _linode_bucket
If aws
is set, enter proper values to the _aws_bucket
, _aws_access_key
and _aws_secret_key
Setting 1 into variables: azure
, linode
and aws
at the same time will fail the process of installation.
In group_vars/all/mariadb
, set:
_mariadb_net: mariadb_network => Set MariaDB docker network.
_mariadb_name: mariadb => Set MariaDB container and host name.
_mariadb_version: 10.7.1 => Set MariaDB version.
_mariadb_restore_version: 10.6.5 => Restore MariaDB to given version when brownfield failed.
_mariadb_root_password: {root_password} => Set MariaDB root password.
_mariadb_password: {password} => Set MariaDB user password.
_mariadb_username: passbolt => Set MariaDB user name.
_mariadb_database: passbolt => Set MariaDB database.
_mariadb_port: 3306 => MariaDB port.
In group_vars/all/passbolt
, set:
_passbolt_net: passbolt_network => Set Passbolt docker network.
_passbolt_name: passbolt => Set Passbolt container and host name.
_passbolt_version: 3.3.1-ce => Set Passbolt version.
_passbolt_restore_version: 3.2.1-2-ce => Restore Passbolt to given version when brownfield faild.
_app_full_base_url: => Passbolt base url.
_email_default_from: => From email address.
_email_transport_default_host: => Server hostname.
_email_transport_default_port: "587" => Server port.
_email_transport_default_tls: "true" => Set tls.
_email_transport_default_username: => Username for email server auth.
_email_transport_default_password: {password} => Password for email server auth.
_passbolt_key_name: www-data => Key owner name
_passbolt_key_email: => Ke owner email address.
More environment variables can be found here
NOTE: _mariadb_root_password, _mariadb_password, _mariadb_username, _mariadb_database and _mariadb_port should be set in brownfield deployment!
ansible-playbook -i inventory.ini install.yml -e "@inputs.yml" --ask-become-pass -vv