Über den Ursprung der von Pallas gefundenen und anderer ihr ähnlicher Eisenmassen, und über einige damit in Verbindung stehende Naturerscheinungen.
Reul, C., Christ, D., Hartelt, A., Balbach, N., Wehner, M., Springmann, U., Wick, C., Grundig, Büttner, A., C., Puppe, F.: OCR4all — An open-source tool providing a (semi-) automatic OCR workflow for historical printings Applied Sciences 9(22) (2019)
English - Plain Text
English - PDF
German - Plain Text
German - PDF | Biolinum | Atkinson | Fraktur | Schwabacher | Custom
Attempt at a translation of Ernst Chladni's work: "Über Feuer-Meteore, und über die mit denselben herabgefallenen Massen," from the original (Fraktur) German to English, I welcome all pull requests of submitted translations and/or edits.
Sections One through (most of) Three and Six were done manually. The other parts were done with the help of OCR4all:
Reul, C., Christ, D., Hartelt, A., Balbach, N., Wehner, M., Springmann, U., Wick, C., Grundig, Büttner, A., C., Puppe, F.: OCR4all — An open-source tool providing a (semi-) automatic OCR workflow for historical printings Applied Sciences 9(22) (2019)
English - Plain Text
English - PDF
German - Plain Text
German - PDF | Biolinum | Fraktur | Schwabacher | Custom01