Recommender System Implementation on Book Crossings Dataset
This project is an implementation of 3 types of computation on Collaborative Filtering (CF) for Recommendation System:
Write up explanation/logic/details for the 3 CF approaches is available at:
Step 1: Run the Create_all_ratings.ipynb to create all_ratings.csv (which is a merged dataset that contains information from the 3 datasets in raw_data folder: BX_Books.csv, BX-Book-Ratings.csv, BX-Users.csv
Step 2: Run any of the other notebooks to explore the recommendations produced by each approach
RecSys_all_predict_ratings.ipynb : is a summary notebook which consists an example of a predicted rating for a book which has not been read by a specified user, followed by the user-based CF, item-based CF and matrix factorization approaches respectively
RecSys_UserBasedCF_predict_ratings : implements the item-based CF for book recommendation RecSys_ItemBasedCF_predict_ratings : implements the item-based CF for book recommendation RecSys_matrixfactorization_predict_ratings : implements the latent factor approach - matrix factoirzation for book recommendation
- Further refactoring
- Attempt from-scratch implementation of CF approaches