This app supports LightwaveRF devices, this currently supports switching of sockets and lamps, dimming, flashing of lights and door bell sensing.
Version 0.0.9
Current Features
- Tuning on and off plugs and lamps
- Dimming Lamps and Dimable plug sockets
- PIR Sensing
- Door and Window Sensing
- Door Bell Ringer
- LW 2100 Doorbell (Remote & Bell Unit)
- LW 400/420/430/440 wired dimmable light switches
- LW 260/270 Sockets
- LW 301 Plug-in Dimmer
- LW 321 Plug-in On/Off
- LW 107 PIR Sensor
- LW 100 Remote
Possible support for however these are not tested
- LW800 Series in line dimmers
- Some Siemens devices have been tested and should work based as they are use the same protocol
Future releases will address
- Dimming from remote
- Other Lightwave products
Version Changes
- 0.0.9 Fixed Issue with LW321 showing up as a light
- 0.0.7 Fixed Issue with new Athom API for firmware 0.10 and onwards.
- 0.0.6 Fixed Issue with new Athom API for firmware 0.9 and onwards.
- 0.0.5 Fixed Issue with off command with newer lightwave devices, Updated icons
- 0.0.4 Ablity to flash lights, fixed bug with flows, fixed virtual devices when pairing sockets
The official LightwaveRF [APP] topic on the forum:
If you find a bug please report it here:
For LightwaveRF installation, linking, clearing memory, etc tutorials please visit: