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Building Soletta with Intel® Edison standard SDK

Bruno Dilly edited this page Jun 16, 2016 · 4 revisions


This page is intended to provide instructions about how to build and run Soletta™ Framework on a Intel® Edison board using the standard SDK.

There are other options to have Soletta running on this board:


  • Yocto SDK for Edison installed in the host computer. Download here in 'SDK - Cross Compile Tools'
  • Make sure that the build requirements are fulfilled
  • Know how to send files to your Edison board
  • Know how to connect to Edison's linux terminal

Compiling Soletta

Once the SDK is installed, it's time to setup a terminal to point to the right tools and paths needed to cross-compile Soletta.

[host]$ source <SDK_PATH>/environment-setup-core2-32-poky-linux
[host]$ export TARGETCC=$CC
[host]$ export TARGETAR=$AR
[host]$ unset PKG_CONFIG_PATH
[host]$ unset PYTHONHOME

Edison Configuration

Now is necessary to change Soletta framework's options to match Edison restrictions.
To access the configuration menu:

[host]$ make menuconfig

Go to Core library --> Target platform: Ensure that systemd is selected.

Save the changes and exit the configuration menu.


Now a simple make will build Soletta:

[host]$ make

You can use -j option to compile faster. Check make's manual for more info (man make).


Inside Soletta project's directory. First, install soletta in a temporary path:

[host]$ make install DESTDIR=<TMP_PATH>

Pack everything:

[host]$ cd <TMP_PATH>
[host]$ tar cvf soletta.tar *

Copy soletta.tar to Edison root dir and connect to it. Then:

[root@edison]$ cd /
[root@edison]$ tar xvf soletta.tar

And Soletta should be successfully installed!

Running 'simple.fbp' sample

To make sure that the installation is ok, copy the sample found in <SOLETTA_SRC_DIR>/src/samples/flow/basics/simple.fbp to Edison and try to execute:

[root@edison]$ sol-fbp-runner simple.fbp

And check if the output is displayed without errors.

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