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Tags: solidfire/solidfire-docker-driver



Bump version in install script


Update version in install script


Use GB instead of GiB

Get rid of the annoying difference between what Docker sets as a
Gig for a volume and what we were setting.

So now instead of "docker volume create -0 size 5" giving you a
volume of 5.4GB in the SF UI, you actually see 5 which is what
you want.


Merge fixes from upstream

This pulls in the list and rm fixes from the upstream
j-griffith.  We also go ahead and increment the version
being reported by the binary so now we can update our
binary in the repo.

We're probably pretty much ready to make this the primary repo
instead of a fork/downstream repo.


Add Platform to attributes on create

Simple add of a "platform" attribute on volume
create.  This can be used to easily filter out
volumes that were created by Docker and the Docker
volume plugin.

Attribute is of the form:
    platform: Docker-SFVP (for the SolidFireDockerDriver)

    platofrm: Docker-NDVP (for the NDPV plugin)


Fix repo name after fork to SolidFire Github

We forked to the SolidFire repo, but never updated
the references and imports.  Just do a simple search
and replace (s/j-griffith/solidfire/g).


Implement rollback to snapshot

Another very basic start to add another command.  This one is the
RollbackToSnapshot, allowing a user to take a snap, then rollback the volume's
state to the snapshot state.

Need to add in things like saveCurrentState etc.