Azure DevOps Extension BYOL is a library for publishers who want to build a BYOL solution to publish comemrcial Azure DevOps extensions.
- In app purchase flow
- Licens validation
- Extensible architecture to supports your licensing types & backend solutions
- Named user & enterprise licensing
- ChargeBee + Stripe backend
- Licens data stored in Azure DevOps extensions storage
- Support Team and Project licensing
- Stripe backend (?)
- Local cache of licensChecks to support disconnected clients
var config: IBYOLConfig = {
stripeKey: "[Your Stripe Key]",
productId: "Enhanced Export PRO",
itemType: "User",
marketplaceServer: new MarketplaceServer.chargeBeeMarketplaceService(),
licensDataServer: new LicensServer.ExtDataLicensServer()
//enable feature
Here is how you can contribute to this project:
- Fork the repo and submit pull requests for bug fixes and features
- Submit bugs and help us verify fixes
- Discuss existing issues/proposals
- Test and share migration configurations Please refer to Contribution guidelines and the Code of Conduct for more details.