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Progit command samples

Here is a cheatsheet of the commands mentioned in the progit book.

git status

  • git status -s

git config

git config --list
git config --global rerere.enabled true --> whenever you fix a merge conflict it will be cached and used for next time
git config --global core.autocorrect 1  --> autocorrects git commands and runs them after 0.1 seconds
git config --local fetch +refs/pull/*/head:refs/remotes/origin/pr/* --> Adds prs to your branch list

git diff

git diff                      --> Modified files but not staged
git diff --staged             --> Staged files going in next commit
git diff --cached             --> Same as --staged
git diff --check              --> Identifies whitespace errors
git diff  --ours--/theirs     --> Shows merge conflicts
git diff master..branch       --> All commits that are in branch but not in master
git diff master...branch      --> Get the first ancestor and then compare the branches to one another == git merge-base branch master

git commit

git commit -am                —-> Skips the git add command
git commit --amend --no-edit  --> Redo commit and dont change commit message
git commit -s                 --> Sign your commit

git add

git add --patch     -—> Add hunks
git add -i          --> Interactive mode

git clean

git clean -f -d --> Clean untracked files also in subdirectories
git clean -n -d --> Dry run the clean command

git grep

git grep -n search-term
git grep --count

git stash

git stash
git stash --keep-index            --> do not stash, staged files
git stash -u                      --> also stash the untracked files
git stash --patch                 --> you will be asked which hunks you want to stash
git stash show -p | git apply -R  --> unapplying a stash
git stash branch nameofbranch     --> First creates a branch and then runs the stash
git stash list
git stash apply
git stash apply stash@{1}
git stash apply --index           --> Will apply the staged changes as well
git stash drop

git rm

git rm                      -—> used to untrack a file
git rm --cached [filename]  -—> remove file from staging and not local

git cherry-pick

git --cherry-pick SHA       --> This will only pick that commit and merge it in your branch with a new SHA-1

git log

git log -p -2
git log --stat
git log —-pretty=oneline
git log --pretty=format:"%h - %an -%ar: %s" -5 --graph
git log -—since=2.weeks
git log -L
git log —-author
git log —-grep —-match-all
got log --no-merges branch1..origin/master
git log —-abbrev-commit --pretty=oneline
git log branch --not master   --> Get all the changes on the branch that are not in master
git log —Sfunction_name       --> When this function was introduced
git log -g master             --> see history like reflog
git log  master..branch       --> All commits that are in branch but not in master
got log --merge               --> files involved in a merge conflict
git log --left-right master...branch --> All unreferenced commits on either branch

git tag

git tag -l 'enterprise-2.10.* '
git show “tag”
git tag -a enterprise-2.10.1 -m “message”
git tag -s v1.5 -m 'message'                --> sign your tags

git show

 git show master@{yesterday}
 git show HEAD@{5}

git remote

git remote get-url origin 
git remote add local_proj /opt/git/project.git

git branch

git branch -v
git branch —-merged
git branch —-no-merged
git branch -vv          —-> Tracks the tracking branches

git push

git push origin local branch:remotebranch
git push origin --delete branch           —-> This deletes the remote branch

git checkout

git checkout -b serverfix origin/serverfix    -—> This bases the serverfix branch out of the remote branch

git fetch

git fetch --all ; git branch -vv
git fetch origin refs/pull/123/head   --> Fetches the pull request

git merge

git merge --no-commit --squash branchname   --> Gets all the work on the merge
                                                branch and squashes into on non-merge commit,
                                                --no-commit --> Dont automatically record a commit
git merge -Xignore-all-whitespace

git reset

git reset --soft HEAD~  --> resets the HEAD and points to prev commit
git reset --mixed HEAD~ --> This is the default it also changes the staging area (Like no git add was done)
git reset --hard HEAD~  --> This also change the working directory so be very careful

git blame

git blame -L 12,22 filename
git blame -L -C 12,22 filename --> See where the snippets originally came from

git bisect

git bisect Start
git bisect bad
git bisect good v1.0
git bisect run

git submodule

git submodule add url
git submodule init
git submodule update
git submodule foreach 'git checkout -b featureA'

git rev-list

git rev-list SHA1..SHA2       --> Get all the SHAs in between to SHAs

git cat-file

git cat-file commit SHA       --> Get commit message

git request-pull

git request-pull origin/master remoteurl  --> Get all the changes from remoteurl and pull to master

git format-patch

git format-patch      --> Generate the mbox-formatted files
git format-patch -M   --> Look for renames

git send-email

git send-email *.patch --> Sends the patch as email (Set email in ~/.gitconfig)

git apply

git apply patchname.patch         --> use this if the patch format is created with diff
git apply patchname.patch --check --> check if the patch will be applied cleanly

git am

git am patchname.patch            --> use this when the format-patch command has been used to create the patch

git describe

git describe  master

git shortog

git shortlog --no-merged master --not v1.0.1

git archive

git archive master --prefix='project/' | gzip > `git describe master .tar.gz`

git ls-remote

git ls-remote           --> Get list of remote branches

git count-object

git count-objects -vH   --> count the size and objects on a repo

Sign tag and view

gpg --list-keys
gpg -a export {pub from prev output} | git hash-object -w --stdin
git tag -a maintainer-gpg-pub {SHA-1 from prev}
git show maintainer-gpg-pub | gpg --import

Git filter-branch

git filter-branch --all                   --> Runs this on all branches
git filter-branch --subdirectory-filter trunk HEAD
git filter-branch --tree-filter 'rm -rf [/path/to/spurious/asset/folder]'

Create git server

  1. git clone --bare my_project my_project.git`
  2. Copy project to git server scp -r my_project.git
  3. Give project shared access git init --bare --shared
  4. Test and clone to client: git clone

Extra git arguments



Compile a list of gitpro book git commands







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