The official code of MDG625: A daily high-resolution meteorological dataset derived by geopotential-guided attention network in Asia (1940-2023)".
Any questions can be touched by
The low resolution data ERA5 can be downloaded from ECMWF.
The downloaded data needs to be organized into the appropriate format. The order of the parameters is ['WIN', 'TMP', 'PRS', 'PRE']. Here are some examples in 2023-12.
The pre-trained model can be downloaded from here.
The configuration can be modified in the configs/config.yml
The file struct should organized as:
Execute sh
can run the test program to produce high-resolution results.
The results will be shown in the proc
folder if each step is right.
The DOI of the produced dataset MDG625 is 10.57760/sciencedb.17408.