FromTiles2Images is a lightweight, drag-and-drop tool to convert Unity 2D tilemap into image format (e.g .png).
The tool is still under development, any contribution and feedback is welcomed!
- Use on tilemap with Regtangle-Grid based
- Easy & lightweight. Simple UI.
- Support four image format: PNG, JPG, EXR, TGA.
- Automatic set texture readable/writable.
- Automatically crop the texture from original tilemap.
- Provide a simple editor window to work with.
- Include a sample scene & sprite exported for demo.
- Clone this repository.
- Import the .unitypackage file (recommended)
You have a wonderful spritesheet, you create a tilemap from it but then you want to use it as a prefab. What can be your solutions?
You may create multiple gameObject, each with single Sprite of the tilemap, then group them into one single gameObject, then make it into a prefab? (spoil: It's totally insane and can put you into an existential crisis)
You may use third-party software to creat tilemaps then export it (such as Tiled). The bad new is that not many Tilemap Editors that are free, also I tried Tiled onced and I hate it (I basically gave up after 10 minutes!)
Then you surf the internet, aha, it's seem that there is not much of result as well.
Of course, leocub58 wrote a free package to solve this problem. However, several weakness can be pointed out, for example:
- Exported images are in low resolution.
- His algorithm sometime make unwanted/incorrect crop from the original tilemap.
- The script must be attached into tilemap to work.
- Comment written in Spanish?
Finally, aside from leocub58 I found no more package that can achieve the same objective. Hence, I decided to write my own custom library!
- Open Tilemap To Image window. By default it is in the toolbar Window/Tilemap2Img
- Prepare a Grid & Tilemaps.
- Drag the tilemap (gameObject) into the Window Tilemap to Image
- Fill in the name (optional)
- Hit the "Export image" button
Tilemap is on the Left, on the right is the exported sprite that had been re-imported into the project.
- Implement algorithm to work with Hexagon & Isometric Grid.
- There are often more than one tilemap be used in the same time to create layers. Current implemtation only export one tilemap into one single image.
- I used raimundonc sprite assest to create the demo in the sample scene. Original link:
- leocub58: For giving me inspiration and idea to creat the package. Original repo:
- The package is developed in Unity 2020.3.2f1.