This code base is built on:
- Elasticsearch 5.5
- Node.js Vpop server with Mongoosastic module
- Context: commercial website with postings. Search filters are nested categories, price range, flags.
- Get document counts (same index, different categories)
- Search for multi-field, nested-category document
- Multiple searches in one trip query
- Query and filter
const query = {
food_drink : { match: { topics: 'food_drink' } },
fashion : { match: { topics: 'fashion' } },
real_estate : { match: { topics: 'real_estate' } },
vehicle : { match: { topics: 'vehicle' } },
job : { match: { topics: 'job' } },
learn : { match: { topics: 'learn' } },
emtertainment : { match: { topics: 'emtertainment' } }
const filter = { range: { air: { gte: 1517778314240 } } }; // 30 days back from now
- Elasticsearch client query{
index: 'posts', // elasticsearch index
type: 'post', // elasticsearch type
body: {
"size" : 12, // return no detail about found posts
"query" : query, // plugin your query
"aggs" : { "messages" : { "filters" : { "filters" : filters }} }, // plugin your filter
_source: ['title','url','photos','viewed'], // controlled returned fields
}).then(resp => { cb(null, resp)}).catch(err => cb(err, null));
- Sample response as below. In this case, we can have all counts of posting categories (Fashion, Vehicle, Real Estate, ...) returned in a single trip to Elasticsearch server.
took: 15,
timed_out: false,
_shards: { total: 5, successful: 5, skipped: 0, failed: 0 },
hits: { total: 12345678, max_score: null, hits: [ [length]: 0 ] },
aggregations: {
messages: {
buckets: {
food_drink : { doc_count: 433 },
fashion : { doc_count: 346 },
real_estate : { doc_count: 2342 },
vehicle : { doc_count: 424 },
job : { doc_count: 4567 },
learn : { doc_count: 8763 },
emtertainment : { doc_count: 4542 },
- More about 5.x
can be found in Elasticsearch official document.
- Build your document schema
- Use
to take advantage of built in Elasticsearch query parser.
const keyword = { query_string: { query: 'nike shoes' } };
- Build your filter for muti-field, nested-category filter. In this example, nested categories are
const filter = { bool: { should: [
{ bool: { must: [
{ range: { air: { gte: 1517795104902 } } },
{ term: { sellType: 'owner' } },
{ range: { price: { gte: 80, lte: 150 } } },
{ term: { locations: 'nation_wide' } },
{ term: { locCount: 1 } },
{ term: { topics: 'shoes' } }
] } },
{ bool: { must: [
{ range: { air: { gte: 1517795104902 } } },
{ term: { sellType: 'owner' } },
{ range: { price: { gte: 80, lte: 150 } } },
{ term: { locations: 'nation_wide' } },
{ term: { locations: 'california' } },
{ term: { topics: 'shoes' } }
] } }
] } };
- Issue search query to Elasticsearch server.{ bool: {
must : keyword,
filter : filter,
}}, {
size : 10, // number of returned results
from : 0, // return from result 0. These two can be apply to create paging
sort : { createdAt: { order: 'desc' } }, // sort your result
_source: ['title','url','price','photos','board'], // control returned fields
}, function(err, searchRes) {
if(err) { cb(err, null) } else { cb(null, {
found :,
searchTime : searchRes.took,
resList : searchRes.hits.hits
- More about 5.x
bool query
can be found in Elasticsearch official document.
- Construct your search with multiple queries and indices.
body: [
{ index: 'blogs', type: 'blog' }, // first query
size: 6,
query : { match: { air: true }},
sort : [ { createdAt : { order : 'desc' }}],
_source: ['title','url',],
{ index: 'blogs', type: 'blog' }, // second query, can search with different index too
size: 8,
query : {bool:{must:[{match:{type:'introduction'}},{match:{air:true}}]}},
sort : [ { createdAt : { order : 'desc' }}],
_source: ['title','url'],
{ index: 'blogs', type: 'blog' }, // third query
size: 12,
query : {bool:{must:[{match:{type:'announcement'}},{match:{air:true}}]}},
sort : [ { createdAt : { order : 'desc' }}],
_source: ['title','url'],
}).then(result => {
cb(null, result);
}).catch(err => {
cb(err, null);
- With this one trip to Elasticsearch server, you will have multiple search results returned with same order in your search structure. Example response:
{ responses: [
{ // response for first query
took : 2,
timed_out : false,
_shards : [Object],
hits : [Object],
status : 200
{ // response for second query
took : 0,
timed_out : false,
_shards : [Object],
hits : [Object],
status: 200
{ // response for third query
took : 1,
timed_out : false,
_shards : [Object],
hits : [Object],
status : 200
] }
- More about 5.x
multi search
can be found on Elasticsearch official document.