- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Any Open Source Project involving Web Development!
- ⚡ Fun fact: i like traveling and listen music a lot when do programming.
This is a basic catching some pointers at some position game written in C language. felt love with coding and more confidence during learning C language because all code is created by my own creati…
C 1
This website is for managing vendors and customers records of a factory or workshop.
Multiple operations like Binary to Gray, Gray to Binary, BCD Addition and Subtraction and Excies 3 Addition and Subtraction developed in Python
Python 1
Forked from joomla/joomla-cms
Home of the Joomla! Content Management System
Online-Study-Material-Management-System using HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP, MySQL, SQL..
This is my first beautiful static website project created for my teacher's school from my heart during my graduation :)