- 83KB extension
- PHP Hot Reloading - Automatically reloads your browser when a file is saved in the editor
- Uses php's built in server - less overhead, less dependencies less stress.
- Since it's a php native feature - your built in php ini file and configurations are naturally supported
Please note per PHP docs:
The built in web server is not intended to be a full-featured web server
This extension also does not intend to support full-featured web servers. This is for quickly running a server against a workspace with hot reloading
This extension contributes the following settings:
: specify a specific port number to use (defaults to first found open port)php-built-in-server.server.root
: specify the starting file (defaults to index.php relative to the workspace)php-built-in-server.phpExecutable
: specify the path to your php executable (this extension runswhich php
orwhere php
for platforms to automatically find the executable, you only need specify one where it can't be found)php-built-in-server.isHeadless
: toggle opening your browser to the serverphp-built-in-server.globals.env-vars
: Inject envs usingputenv()
: Inject consts usingdefine()
In your command palette type PHP Built In Server: Start
and that's it!
A terminal will populate and your browser will open a tab to the server address
Note: This command will only display in the command palette if one is not running via the when expression: !php-built-in-server.isRunning