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Jeffrey Gordon edited this page Jun 20, 2015 · 13 revisions

MAGES - Math Applet Generator for Elementary School

This wiki contains information and documentation related to the MAGES HTML5 math applet generator.

Project Goals

Mages is designed to be used as a general canvas to build math applets for HTML5-based educational software. The current goal is to develop the widgets necessary to build a 4th grade curriculum. Mages is currently in an alpha state, and no support for its use is offered by the author, Jeffrey Gordon. Use it at your own risk.

Mages Online

A recent version of MAGES is hosted here.

Using MAGES math applets

Mages already contains many pre-built math applets.

There is a series of example applets which have applet ID's that consist of a single number in the 1-50 range, as well as debugging and test applets in higher number ranges. These are accessed by clicking the load button from the main menu and typing the applet ID.

There are also Threads, which allow the user to load a series of applets in sequence, receiving a final score upon completion of the series. To load a thread, click the thread button and enter the thread number:

  1. 4th Grade - Place Value
  2. 4th Grade - Multiplication


Mages is modularly designed. Widgets are the basic building blocks of a Mages applet. Each widget's wiki page provides details on the widget's properties and use.

Demo Video

This demo video shows how Mages is used to build math applets. In it, Mages creator Jeffrey Gordon, walks through the steps to create three math applets: an addition applet, a bar graph applet, and a number line applet.

Click to watch the Mages demo build video.

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