Untron V1
Smart contracts for Untron V1 protocol
Untron V1 is a B2B P2P marketplace for exchanging USDT on Tron Network into USDT on ZKsync Era, inspired by ZKP2P. It has a native LI.FI integration, allowing to automatically swap USDT on Era into any other token on any Ethereum L2 and more. Ethereum-based projects, such as wallets, who are willing to enable USDT Tron deposits, can integrate Untron V1 and create orders on behalf of their users.
Untron V1 is the first protocol of the two, along with Untron Intents, forming the larger Untron project. It's described in high level in "P2P ZK Light Client Bridge between Tron and Ethereum L2s" (Hook, 2024).
All Untron protocols are powered by Untron ZK Engine—a Rust program implementing a minimal Tron node with an internal state used by the protocols. It's compiled and executed using SP1 zkVM to generate ZK proofs of Tron blockchain and all necessary deposits and transfers.
flowchart TD
subgraph Initialization
UserL2[User on L2]
ProviderL2[Provider on L2]
FulfillerL2[Fulfiller on L2]
UntronCore[UntronCore Contract]
ReceiverTron[Provider's Receiver on Tron]
Start --> UserL2
subgraph OrderCreation
UserL2 --> A1[Calls createOrder function]
A1 --> UntronCore
UntronCore --> A2[Validate Order Parameters]
A2 --> A3[Collect Collateral from User]
A3 --> A4[Store Order in Contract]
A4 --> A5[Emit OrderCreated Event]
subgraph UserAction
A5 --> UserL2
UserL2 --> B1[Send USDT on Tron to Receiver]
B1 --> ReceiverTron
subgraph Fulfillment
B1 --> F1[Fulfiller Monitors Tron Network]
F1 --> F2{USDT Transfer Detected?}
F2 -- Yes --> F3[Calls fulfill function with Order IDs]
F3 --> UntronCore
UntronCore --> F4[Lock Fulfiller's Funds]
F3 --> F5[Fulfiller Sends USDT on L2 to User]
F5 --> UserL2
subgraph ZKProofGeneration
F5 --> Z1[Off-chain ZK Proof Generation]
Z1 --> Z2[Generate ZK Proof]
Z2 --> Relayer[Relayer]
Relayer --> Z3[Calls closeOrders function with Proof]
Z3 --> UntronCore
UntronCore --> Z4[Verify ZK Proof]
subgraph Settlement
Z4 --> S1{Proof Valid?}
S1 -- Yes --> S2[Update Contract State]
S2 --> S3[Release Provider's Locked Liquidity]
S2 --> S4[Reimburse Fulfiller and Pay Fees]
S2 --> S5[Emit OrderClosed Event]
S5 --> End([End])
S1 -- No --> S6[Revert or Handle Error]
For integration, please proceed to our documentation. You can also contact us at contact@untron.finance.
Untron project and all protocols it consists of are licensed under BUSL license by Ultrasound Labs LLC. For more details, please refer to LICENSE. Some of the project's dependencies are licensed under MIT and Apache-2.0 licenses.