Leaderboard server on Golang, uses Cloud Datastore for storage.
{ "Name":"Player name","Score":101800 }
Returns JSON array of players [{ "Name":"Player name","Score":101800 }]
{ "Name":"Player name","Pwd":"Password","Score":11320, Sig: "signature" }
Note: Sig field is used for validation.
To prevent manual posting of scores this leaderboard uses signature. Signature is generated on client and checked on the server, see function checkSigCorrect() in scores.go source file.
data class UserScore(val Name: String = "", val Score: Long? = 0L, val Sig: String = "")
coroutineScope.launch {
val userScore = UserScore("Name", 100, "Signature")
val responseCode = URL("url")
.let {
it as HttpURLConnection
}.run {
setRequestProperty("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8")
requestMethod = "POST"
doOutput = true
val outputWriter = OutputStreamWriter(outputStream)
Make sure to customize the sigString, and modify checkSigCorrect() function from scores.go accordingly.
coroutineScope.launch {
val usersScoresJson = URL("url").readText()
val usersScores = Gson().fromJson<List<UserScore>>(usersScoresJson, object : TypeToken<List<UserScore>>() {}.type)