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Assignment 1 submission for the course CS6910 Fundamentals of Deep Learning (Spring 2021 Semester); Team members - N Sowmya Manojna (BE17B007), Shubham Kashyapi (MM16B027)


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CS6910 Assignment 1

Assignment 1 submission for the course CS6910 Fundamentals of Deep Learning.

Team members: N Sowmya Manojna (BE17B007), Shubham Kashyapi (MM16B027)

Question 1

The code for question 1 can be accessed here. The program, reads the data from keras.datasets, picks one example from each class and logs the same to wandb.

Questions 2-4

The neural network is implemented by the class NeuralNetwork, present in the file.

Building a NeuralNetwork

An instance of NeuralNetwork is as follows:

model = NeuralNetwork(layers=layers, batch_size=2000, optimizer="Normal", \
                      initialization="RandomNormal", loss="CrossEntropy", \
                      epochs=int(100), t=t, X_val=X_val_scaled, t_val=t_val, \

It can be implemented by passing the following values:

  • layers
    An example of layer is as follows:

    layers = [
                Dense(size=64, activation="Sigmoid", name="HL1"), 
                Dense(size=10, activation="Sigmoid", name="OL")

    Here, Input and Dense are layer classes, that can be accessed in the file.

    • An instance of the class Input can be created by passing the input to the function call, as shown above.
    • An instance of the class Dense can be created by passing the size of the layer, the activation and an optional name to identify the layer.
  • batch_size
    The Batch Size is passed as an integer that determines the size of the mini batch to be taken into consideration.

  • optimizer
    The optimizer value is passed as a string, that is internally converted into an instance of the specified optimizer class. The optimizer classes are present inside the file An instance of the class can be created by passing the corresponding parameters:

    • Normal: eta
      (default: eta=0.01)
    • Momentum: eta, gamma
      (default: eta=1e-3, gamma=0.9)
    • Nesterov: eta, gamma
      (default: eta=1e-3, gamma=0.9)
    • AdaGrad: eta, eps
      (default: eta=1e-2, eps=1e-7)
    • RMSProp: beta, eta , eps
      (default: beta=0.9, eta = 1e-3, eps = 1e-7)
    • Adam: beta1, beta2, eta, eps
      (default: beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, eta=1e-2, eps=1e-8)
    • Nadam: beta1, beta2, eta, eps
      (default: beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, eta=1e-3, eps=1e-7)
  • intialization: A string - "RandomNormal" or "XavierUniform" can be passed to change the initialization of the weights in the model.

  • epochs: The number of epochs is passed as an integer to the neural network.

  • t: t is the OneHotEncoded matrix of the vector y_train, of size (10,n), where n is the number of sample.

  • loss: The loss type is passed as a string, that is internally converted into an instance of the specified loss class. The optimizer classes are present inside the file

  • X_val: The validation dataset, used to validate the model.

  • t_val: t_val is the OneHotEncoded matrix of the vector y_val, of size (10,n), where n is the number of sample.

  • use_wandb: A flag that lets the user choose whether they want to use wandb for the run or not.

  • optim_params: Optimization parameters to be passed to the optimizers.

Training the NeuralNetwork

The model can be trained by calling the member function: forward_propogation, followed by backward_propogation. It is done as follows:


Testing the NeuralNetwork

The model can be tested by calling the check_test member function, with the testing dataset and the expected y_test. The y_test values are only used for calculating the test accuracy. It is done in the following manner:

acc_test, loss_test, y_test_pred = model.check_test(X_test_scaled, t_test)

Question 7

The confusion matrix is logged using the following code:

wandb.log({"conf_mat" : wandb.plot.confusion_matrix(
                                     "Bag","Ankle boot"])})

Question 10

Three hyperparameter sets were selected and were run on the MNIST dataset. The configurations choosen are as follows:

  • Configuration 1:

    • optimizer = Adam,
    • init = XavierUniform,
    • activation = tanh,
    • hidden_layer_size = 64,
    • batch_size = 1024,
    • num_hidden_layers = 1
  • Configuration 2:

    • optimizer = Adam,
    • init = XavierUniform,
    • activation = tanh,
    • hidden_layer_size = 32,
    • batch_size = 128,
    • num_hidden_layers = 1
  • Configuration 3:

    • optimizer = Adam,
    • init = XavierUniform,
    • activation = relu,
    • hidden_layer_size = 32,
    • batch_size = 1024,
    • num_hidden_layers = 1

The codes are organized as follows:

Question Location Function
Question 1 Question-1 Logging Representative Images
Question 2 Question-2 Feedforward Architecture
Question 3 Question-3 Complete Neural Network
Question 4 Question-4 Hyperparameter sweeps using wandb
Question 7 Question-7 Confusion Matrix logging for the best Run
Question 10 Question-10 Hyperparameter configurations for MNIST data (Q10)


Assignment 1 submission for the course CS6910 Fundamentals of Deep Learning (Spring 2021 Semester); Team members - N Sowmya Manojna (BE17B007), Shubham Kashyapi (MM16B027)







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