Functions used with data from MIT Haystack Intercepted Signals for Ionospheric Science radar.
data available from
plots Scatter to Clutter ratio of an HDF5 file.FMbesselSidebands
theoretical sideband relative amplitude
These scripts assume Matlab, but could be adapted to include GNU Octave as well.
- Linux / Windows Subsystem for Linux:
apt install wget
- Mac:
brew install wget
mkdir -p ~/data
wget --quota=10000m -r -np -nc -nH --cut-dirs=3 --random-wait --wait 0.5 --reject index.html* -e robots=off -P ~/data/
wget --quota=10000m -r -np -nc -nH --cut-dirs=3 --random-wait --wait 0.5 --reject index.html* -e robots=off -P ~/data/
wget --quota=10000m -r -np -nc -nH --cut-dirs=3 --random-wait --wait 0.5 --reject index.html* -e robots=off -P ~/data/
wget --quota=10000m -r -np -nc -nH --cut-dirs=3 --random-wait --wait 0.5 --reject index.html* -e robots=off -P ~/data/
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