WSPR, JT65, JT9 and other weak signal modes: read, analyze, plot data. Minimalistic. Right now, the emphasis is on expressing expected ranges of SNR/Hz/Watt, binned by range (groundwave, NVIS, DX) and local time for each frequency band (3 MHz, 5 MHz, etc.). This helps understand what is feasible for general NVIS communications systems referenced to narrowband weak signal modes such as WSPR.
The swarm plot gives a sense of how many samples are at a given configuration--if the maximum width is reached, then you know there are at least N measurements for that result.
The box plot give the traditional sense of distribution of variables--here also versus dawn/morning/afternoon/dusk and distance bins.
- MaxSig: plots maximum signal on a frequency vs. distance "What's the strongest I'm heard at a distance and frequency?"
- MapSig: plots stations and midpoint science quantities
pip install -e .
The program automatically decides based on the file extension how to decode the file.
This format is inside each monthly WSPR log file.
Copy and paste (from your web browser) a WSPRnet database query result. Query with TX and RX callsign set to your callsign.