The purpose of this script is to import cpanel backups into a system that uses no cpanel. Run this script from root.
This script currently only supports:
creation of users and assigning to a group
creation of apache2 host file and symlinking it to active
moving of all homedir files
creationg of log directories
creation of mysql dbs and users
Usage ----- Usage: cpanel-import.php file [options] Ex: cpanel-import.php devin.tar.gz --ip= --forceuser
--username - Import as a different username.
--password - Overwrite the users password.
--ip - The IP to bind the vhost to.
--mysql-user - The root or super admin for mysql.
--mysql-pass - The root or super admin password for mysql.
--source - Where to find the file.
--dest - Where to find put the user.
--ignore - Comma separate list of files to ignore in homedir.
--httpd - Apache path.
--debug - Show commands.
--verbose - Show additional info.
--forceuser - If the user exists, keep going, and delete their home directory.